Anybody know of one of these that is WW2 period? They had to have made them, but in searching I can't find photos of a WW2 one. There are some that appear to be WW2 but with what look like postwar markings on top.
Hello, I’m new to the Mauser brotherhood. I recently inherited a 1943 dot K98 and all numbers match. The story goes, it was brought back from the war from my brother in laws grandfather who had to cut the stock down to fit it in his dufflebag. Any help with rarity or value would be appreciated? I’ve been trying to read up but information varies so much.
Are dot manufactured less common? Obviously the stock has been butchered. Any idea what a ball park value would be? Is it worth holding on to for collectibility?
Are dot manufactured less common? Obviously the stock has been butchered. Any idea what a ball park value would be? Is it worth holding on to for collectibility?
I think you mistakenly posted in Mr. Farbs post, you probably need to start your own post on this...Mowzwerluvr was replying to Farbs question, not yours..
But as far as your question goes, dot's are very common, we will need better pictures to see if it can be restored...
My source in Norway has been at it for 20 yrs at least and if one would turn up, it'd be there. He and I have discussed it a few times and though he has seen plenty of armorer parts he has not seen a kit complete if memory serves. I'll ask again, he turns up some pretty unusual s#!t now and again.