Robski is a friend of mine. He does some really cool videos about shooting many of these cool rifles we collect. He is an active US Army Sniper and he really knows his stuff. I think videos like this will bring new collectors to our hobby.
I really like his videos. No BS, no gimmicks, just good content and a lot of facts.Robski is a friend of mine. He does some really cool videos about shooting many of these cool rifles we collect. He is an active US Army Sniper and he really knows his stuff. I think videos like this will bring new collectors to our hobby.
My dream has come true, I am a YouTuber star. But is that really what I sound like? And look like? I could have sworn I was much better looking?????
I think everyone hates the sound of their voice when they hear it. I know I do. I sound so much better in my head hahaMy dream has come true, I am a YouTuber star. But is that really what I sound like? And look like? I could have sworn I was much better looking?????