Third Party Press

Very nice BYF 43/44 HT sniper fake or real deal


Active member
Hi my name is Ser and I'm new to this forum and a great fan of the K98 (and others).
I'm offered this very nice and clean looking BYF 43/44 HT sniper with Ajack scope from a collector.
I have a suspicion there's something wrong, but I can't lay my finger on it, I haven't that much experience in K98 snipers.
So I want to ask for your opinion about this smart looking K98. I know for instance after reading different posts on the forum that the extended safety is not the right on.



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Some more pics

Some more pics regarding the BYF HT


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Fake scope rings and mounts, fake rifle all together.

+1. I am not comfortable with this rifle. Usually when one problem appears, many others start to follow (wrong safety, wrong stock, what else is wrong? etc.....).
+1. I am not comfortable with this rifle. Usually when one problem appears, many others start to follow (wrong safety, wrong stock, what else is wrong? etc.....).

Fake scope rings and mounts, fake rifle all together.

Wow, so it's really that bad!! Incredible the (German) man who offers me this rifle is a collector of mainly German sniper rifles from WW1 and 2.
He travelles a lot to the Ukrain and according to him he find's a lot of these rifles there.

Do they converted an original K98 or is it an throw all together parts bin?
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What will a K98 like this be worth? The seller wants $5115,00 (€4500,00) for it, as an original that is.
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Let him sell it there .I would suggest , for You to save Your $$$$ for a real one . Best Regards
Let him sell it there .I would suggest , for You to save Your $$$$ for a real one . Best Regards

Yes, I don't want buy it now for sure! I'm very happy I put it on the forum and am gratefull for the uponions from the experienced members!
I was just wondering how much a thing like that is really worth, or in other words: for how much I was to get ripped off!

The seller is such a nice and polite guy, he even wanted to show me his sniper collection of 40 rifles,
Hell, because of people like him you can't trust anyone!
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very simple no BYF43 HT in the d (D) blocks.


Before I asked the experts on this forum about the rifle, I had asked the seller for more detailled picture's with the Ajack removed and which WAa are stamped in. I also asked if he could acknowledge that the rifle was an original issued one,
Till now he never answered my last questions, before that he immediatelly responded and even phoned my twice. So that's also why my suspicion rose more.

The search for a right one goes on!!
I am afraid it is as you say (@ser).

Katana, you're right - I just wanted to post a fraud warning of this rifle, but you were faster than me.
hell its the master of pawel nowak, he has a company for metal engineering in oberkrämer and work's a short time for the vdb "Deutsche Scharfschützenwaffen 1933 bis 1945.
BEWARE of this Guy he is a..........i think he make 20 until 30 fakes every jear :facepalm:
but i know he has big troubles with his art work.
hell its the master of pawel nowak, he has a company for metal engineering in oberkrämer and work's a short time for the vdb "Deutsche Scharfschützenwaffen 1933 bis 1945.
BEWARE of this Guy he is a..........i think he make 20 until 30 fakes every jear :facepalm:
but i know he has big troubles with his art work.

Hi Doctom and others
How can he be the manager in the Vdb and also have a firm who make fake sniper rifles.??? (try to Google: Heiko arhnt waffen) he looks ok for me - but i have no idea - have never make a deal with him. Can see he also make books!? is this the man we never should buy sniper rifles from. ?

see this Vdb site:

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