Useful excerpts about scoped rifles and snipers

Return and sale of scopes of the German Wehrmacht

The documents shown are the only ones about scoped rifles in the "General Army Communications published by the Army High Command" and "Army Decree-Sheet published by the Army High Command" between 1934 and 1940, I have completely read the editions.
As you can see, this is about the return and sale of scopes of the Wehrmacht.

General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, December 6, 1934

118. Scoped rifle (carbine).

Scoped rifles and scoped carbines in troop stocks are to be give away to the responsible HZa until December 15, 1934.

The Chief of the Army Command,
November 17, 1934 AHA/In 2 III.

General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, July 13, 1935

323. Scopes for rifles.

The scopes (Ziel 4) and scopes of other types for firearms 98 available at HZa Spandau are discarded because they are no longer suitable for army purposes.

The scopes get sold at the following prices:

Scope (Ziel 4) new ................................................. 30,- Reichsmark
Scope case, new ..................................................... 3,- Reichsmark
Scope (Ziel 4) used ................................................ 12,- Reichsmark
Scope case, used .................................................... 1,- Reichsmark
Scopes used ........................................................... 5,- Reichsmark
(various types, scope cases are not available)

A sale takes place only to army members. Request must be addressed directly to HZa Spandau.

It is particularly noted that the used scopes are not overhauled.

Supreme High Command of the German Army,
July 4, 1935 AHA/Fz IV.

General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, November 22, 1935

543. Unusable scopes for rifle.

The buyers of the discarded scopes (see H.M. 35 S. 92 Nr. 323) should be made aware that the rifle scopes are intended only for their own use and that resale is prohibited.

Supreme High Command of the German Army,
November 12, 1935 AHA/Fz (IV)

General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, February 21, 1938

92. Sale of scopes.

At the HZa Spandau there are discarded scopes for rifles, which get sold to officers, Wehrmacht officials and long-serving NCOs (not to soldiers and Wehrmacht officials of the reserve) to the estimation value.

The estimation value is

a) Brand new scopes with scope case ............................ 40,- Reichsmark

b) Used scopes (Zielvier without scope case) .................. 12,- Reichsmark

c) Used scopes other types without scope case ................ 5,- Reichsmark
Scope cases to a) and c), if available .............................. 1,- Reichsmark

The scopes are delivered in the existing state. Requests for overhaul and assembly work are not considered.

T h e - d e v i c e - g e t - d e l i v e r e d - o n l y - f o r - y o u r - o w n - n e e d s .

A - r e s a l e - o r - p u r c h a s e - f o r - o t h e r - p e r s o n s - i s - p r o h i b i t e d .

Orders are to be addressed directly to HZa Spandau. They are done in the order of their receipt.

O. K. H., February 1, 1938
-- 72 a/b 60/83 – Fz (IV).

General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, March 21, 1938

150. Sale of scopes.

The with H.M. 1938 S. 26 Nr. 92 approved scope sale must be discontinued for special reasons.

Orders received at HZa Spandau must be returned to the sender with reference to this order.

O. K. H., March 7, 1938
-- 72 a/b 60/83 – Fz (IV).
These translations are so cool information, I would never have seen elsewhere than on this awesome forum. Thank you very much for your contributions! Kind Regards Morten

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Führer order - Sniper's Badge

I make a leap in time to the year 1944, here is the Führer order about the Sniper's Badge.

Führer order - F. H. Qu., August 20, 1944

Führer order

The Führer
and Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht

F. H. Qu., August 20, 1944

1. In appreciation of the high dedication of the single-shooter with a rifle as a sniper and to the appreciation of the success achieved here, I introduce the

Sniper's Badge

for the Heer and the SS-Verfügungstruppe.

The Sniper's Badge is awarded in three grades.

2. The implementing regulations remit Gen d Inf b Chef Gen St d H.

Adolf Hitler

Führerbefehl Scharfschützen- abzeichen.jpg
Implementing regulations - Sniper's Badge

Here are the implementing regulations for the Führer Order of August 20, 1944 on the introduction of the Sniper's Badge. Please note I have used the word "hit" and not "kills" because it's the correct term, look at passage 3.

General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, September 7, 1944

468. Sniper's Badge.

Implementing regulations for the Führer Order
of August 20, 1944
on the introduction of a Sniper's Badge.

The Führer has introduced a Sniper's Badge for the Heer and the SSVerfügungstruppe.
In this way the high dedication of the shooter with rifle and his successes in the aimed single shot should get appreciated and given an incentive to increase the achievements so far. According to this the Sniper's Badge is awarded to the following principles:

1. The Sniper's Badge will be awarded by the next officer in charge of the service, with the authority of at least Regimental Commander, upon written proposal of the unit leader to such soldiers trained and deployed as scheduled snipers.

The soldier with the award must be issued with a certificate of the award and it must be entered in the personal documents (see Annex 2).

2. The badge (see Appendix 1) is awarded in 3 grades and is worn on the right forearm. If a soldier owns a Funktionsdienstgradabzeichen (functional-rank-badge) or gets awarded next to the Sniper's Badge, this is to be worn under the Sniper's Badge.

3. It will be awarded:

The 1st class for at least 20 enemy hit, which were achieved from September 1, 1944 (badge without special cord),

the 2nd class for at least 40 enemy hit, which were achieved from September 1, 1944 (badge with silver cord),

the 3rd class for at least 60 enemy hit, which were achieved from September 1, 1944 (badge with gold cord).

Hit scored in the close combat are not counted. For the rest, the enemy must have been shot incapacitated and must not have shown the intention to defect to us or surrender.

4. For each successful hit, the unit must get a report and it must be confirmed by at least 1 witness. On the basis of the reports, the units create sniper lists according to the attached example (Appendix 3). An excerpt from the sniper list must be handed over together with the other papers in case of transfer to a new unit.

A retroactive crediting of hits doesn't take place in order to avoid unnecessary correspondence. It is proposed to pay tribute to the success achieved so far (before September 1, 1944) by awarding Iron Crosses by the troops.

O. K. H., August 20, 1944
Gen d Inf b/Chef Gen St d H.

The two pages of the order and the annex:

Snipers Badge a.jpg Snipers Badge b.jpg Snipers Badge Annex.jpg
Waffen SS edit & Request of Sniper's Badge

Here are the last General Army Communications published by the Army High Command orders about the Sniper's Badge. I still have some documents from various Eastern front Divisions about the awarding of the Sniper's Badge, in addition the names of the snipers. I will show these documents much later because I have to show other important documents before. For example I have documents about the first field trials with the Zf.41., a few months before the official introduction of the scope. But at first I need a little break, the translations are quite time consuming and exhausting.

General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, October 7, 1944

548. Sniper's Badge.

In the Führer Order in paragraph 1, 2nd line and the H. M. 1944 S. 255 Nr. 468 in the 2nd line change the name "SS-Verfügungstruppe" to "Waffen-SS".

O. K. H., September 28, 1944
- 2834/44 - Gen d Inf b/Chef Gen St d H (I a).

Scharfschützen- abzeichen Ändern SS.jpg

General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, December 21, 1944

718. Request the Sniper's Badge.

- H. M. 1944 Nr. 468. -

Requests of Sniper's Badges are to be directed on the quartermaster-way to the Allgemeine Heeresamt/Bekleidung (General Army Office/garment).

O. K. H., December 6, 1944
- 3676/44 - Gen d Inf.

Scharfschützen- abzeichen Anfordern.jpg
Thank you, the info you translated clearly documents and confirms reports the German Army sold off the vast majority of their WW1 sniper scopes in the 1930's. Your information also confirms their were "new" and used scopes being sold. The used scopes would have long range elevation wheels and would be inscribed with the serial # of the GEW. Whereas, the new scopes would only have the long range elevation wheel. This explains a lot of the German ww1 scopes I've come across and why some are missing the inscription of a GEW Serial #. Again, thank you.
I love sniper data and information. Thank you 8X57. Your efforts are most appreciated and helpful to our understanding of the history we love.
Field report campaign in Belgium and France May/June 1940 - Scoped rifles

Here is a exerpt of a field report about the campaign in Belgium and France in May/June 1940. Please note, the scoped rifle was considered particularly useful by soldiers and commanders. The scoped rifle development started earlier, nevertheless it's a interesting document in my opinion. The first official scoped rifle program was begun at Mauser already in 1939. Please take a look at the book "Karabiner 98k - Volume II" in the Mauser Oberndorf chapter, there are many informations about this topic.

Generalkommando II. Armeekorps Ia Nr. 1189/40 geh. - K.H. Qu., July 23, 1940


Generalkommando II. Armeekorps
Ia Nr. 1189/40 geh.

K.H. Qu., July 23, 1940

Reference to: Ob. d. H. Gen.St.d.H./Org.Abt. (1.St.) (I)

Subject: Field reports.

on the campaign in Belgium and France May / June 1940 .

I. ) Gen.Kdo. II. A.K. was deployed during the campaign at the following battles :
I didn't translate this and the following paragraphs

- Page 21 -

IV. ) Questionnaire C : Armament and equipment .

1. ) Which weapons have proven to be particularly useful, which ones have less ?

Especially useful:

Scoped rifle
2 cm Flak (also against ground targets)
3,7 cm Pak with explosive bullet
8,8 cm Pak respectively Flak (against ground targets)

Less useful:

3,7 cm Pak against heavy tanks

I didn't translate the following paragraphs

Field report 1940.jpg
Field trials - Karabiner 98k with Zf.41

The following document is very special, at least for me it's the earliest document about the Karabiner 98k with Zf.41.

Chef H Rüst und B d E Nr.395/41 AHA/In 2 VII - Berlin, February 5, 1941

Chef H Rüst und B d E
Nr.395/41 AHA/In 2 VII

Berlin, February 5, 1941

S e c r e t !

Subject :
Field trials with Karabiner 98k with Scope 1.5x.

Heeresgruppe B..............)
Gen.Kdo, XVIII. A.K.........) with each 4 N A

Commando of the Infantry School Döberitz ........................ )
Commando of the Mountain Shooting School Salzburg........... ) with each 2 N A

Reporting :

Gen d Inf beim Ob d H
Gen St d H Ausb.Abt.
Gen St d H Ausb.Abt. 2.Staffel.

With carrying out a field trial with Karabiner 98k with scope 1,5x are charged :

Inf.Rgt. 1
Inf.Rgt. 4
Geb.Jäg.Rgt. 91
Commando of the Infantry School
Commando of the Mountain Shooting School

For this purpose, 9 Karabiner 98k with scope are assigned to each trial unit. So that no time is lost by the transmission of weapons by train, the weapons can be picked up by a command at the shooting range in Kummersdorf. Time of collection is communicated by telex.

The following special instructions are given for carrying out the field trials :

1. ) With all Karabiner 98k with scope must be shot daily.

2. ) At every possible opportunity - during combat exercises, etc. - the weapon must be used with the riflescope attached to check the firmness of the mount and the sensitivity of the optics.

3. ) When shooting, 50% shooters of only average shooting skills are to be used.

4. ) Repeated firing is at dusk and, if there is a chance to perform under moonlight, also against targets that doesn't stand out against the background.

5. ) To subject the mount to intentional heavy use, the scope is to be mounted and removed as often as possible.

Annex 1 A short description of the Karabiner 98k with 1.5x scope is included.

Annex 2 Until March 10, 1941 the result of the field trials is to be reported using the attached questionnaire (double). In addition to answering the questions in the questionnaire, the experience gained from the field trials with the Karabiner 98k with scope has to be reported, taking into account the 5 paragraphs mentioned above. In particular, in the test reports, the judgments on hit results, optics, etc. are to be expressed.

The observance of the date of March 10, 1941 is particularly noted.

By attorney

Zf.41 Truppenversuch  (1).jpg Zf.41 Truppenversuch  (2).jpg
Annex field trials - Karabiner 98k with Zf.41

Here are the two annex documents to my last post about the field trials of the Karabiner 98k with Zf.41.

Annex 1 (Description of the K.98k with scope 1.5x) to Chef H Rüst und B d E Nr.395/41 AHA/In 2 VII - Berlin, February 5, 1941

Annex 1
to 395/41 AHA/In 2 VII

of the K.98k with scope 1.5x.

A. ) General:

The K.98k with scope has on the left side of the rear sight base a t-rail to install the scope mount. Each K.98k with scope includes a scope mount with a scope and a scope case.

The scope mount consists the guide piece with machined t-slot, the 2 arms with rollers for receiving the scope, the lever for fixing the scope mount and a leaf spring in the t-slot.

The scope with a 1.5x magnification has a rain cover at the front and rear section to protect the front and rear lenses. In the center of the scope body is the adjusting ring with detents and graduations for the shot distances of 1 - 800 m and the detent spring for the adjusting ring.

The scope case is used to hold the scope mount and scope and protects both on marches, etc. against dust and damage. The in the scope case existing hair brush is used to clean the front and rear lenses.

The scope, like any other optical device, must be handled gently. All own maintenance work is prohibited.

B. ) Adjustment of the point of aim (by the Waffenmeister!)

Weapon shoots at 100 m too short.

Mark the middle point of aim visible at 100 m. Clamp weapon and set up so that the reticle touches the aiming point.

Remove front rain cover.

Unscrew retaining screw for the cover tube of the lens.

Turn the cover tube to the right until the threaded holes of the eccentric rings of the lens are exposed.

Screw the alignment pin into the released threaded holes and turn the eccentric rings of the lens so that the reticle touches the marked middle point of impact. As a result of this correction, the reticle has been adjusted by as much as is necessary to get a center hold point of impact.

Check accuracy with several shots. If the point of impact is left, right, or high, proceed accordingly.

To protect the threads of the eccentric rings the alignment pins are always screwed

Zf.41 Truppenversuch Anlage 1 a.jpg Zf.41 Truppenversuch Anlage 1 b.jpg

Annex 2 (Questionnaire to the field trials with K. 98k with Scope 1.5x) to Chef H Rüst und B d E Nr.395/41 AHA/In 2 VII - Berlin, February 5, 1941

Annex 2
to 395/41 AHA/In 2 VII

to the field trials with K. 98k with Scope 1.5x.

1. ) Are there any difficulties in attach and removing the scope?

2. ) Has any damage to the optical sight including mount occurred during the trial?

3. ) Is the mount strong enough to withstand normal use?
It is noted that the t-rail on the rear sight base and the t-slot in the scope mount are extended by 15 mm in the later manufacturing and the leaf spring in the scope is replaced by an strong externally mounted 2-roller spring. As a result, a secure fit, easy attach and removing is achieved.

4. ) Is the scope case sufficient to protect and carry the scope?

5. ) Miscellaneous:

Zf.41 Truppenversuch Anlage 2.jpg
Thank you for your fantastic information that provides all
Of us the opportunity to become more informed
Collectors. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
First hand translations of this kinda stuff is great.
Karabiner 98k with Zf.41 - Official introduction

About 4 months after the end of the field trials was the official introduction of the Karabiner 98k with Zf.41.

General Army Communications published by the Army High Command - Berlin, July 21, 1941

726. Carbine 98 k – Z.F. 41 (Scoped Rifle).

The Carbine 98 k with Scope 41 get introduced.

Name: Karabiner 98 k – Z.F. 41 (Scoped Rifle)
Abbreviated name: K 98 k – Z.F. 41
Classification of equipment number: l
Equipment classification: J
Requisition number: J 201
Punchcard number: 001 5013.

The equipment and acceptance gauges drawings and the technical delivery conditions are in line up.

The manual of rules of the K 98 k – Z.F. 41 is in process.

The Scope 41 has 1.5x magnification.

Further information on the description, handling and use can be found in the “Leaflet about the K 98 k – Z.F. 41” from April 26, 1941 (Insertion to the H. Dv. 240 [Shooting-rules]) and the H. Dv. 130/2 a.

The K 98 k – Z.F. 41 get in annex 13 included in annex-volume “J”.

About the equip with K 98 k – Z.F. 41 remains to be seen.

O.K.H. (Ch H Rüst u. BdE), July 14, 1941
---- 4541/41 ---- AHA/In 2 (VII).

Z.F. 41 Introduction.jpg
Loving this thread! sub'd