I just got an S98/05 nA with what I believe is a police marking of, S.B.W.T.205 R the reverse cross guard and 1920 on the front. Any ideas?
Its mostly a police unit, Schutzpolizei Berlin, West, T could be technical unit. and weapon nr, it would be nice to see how is refurbished, any pictures avialable? Ron could be a location? Rosenthal would be one possibility.
Yeah, that's what I figured. My problem is that I'm not that savvy with these things. Somtimes I know just enough to get my tit in a wringer, but I'm working on it. Stay tuned and I hope to get you some pics soon!
Looks like matching as 205 is too on scabbard, i believe there was proofed to mechanically remove the rust, but later was it done chemically probably with fosforic acid which caused the phosphate finish on metall. With marking i would be not certainly sure there is T behind the W. More real is this I.District of Schutzpolizei Berlin-West. behind the 205 could be a B for second company or R for location or different reason, question is the brown colored frog, as with unfinished leather was used most real in WW1? any markings on backside of the frog?
No. There are no markings on the back of the frog. Have you ever seen this finish on a bayonet? I have a '39 BERG K/M with O.32782k marked c/g with the same finish on the blade. I'll get you some pics later.
As You could see near the Alex Coppel stamp there is peppering areas from older rust, which was chemically removed, in fuller there are filing traces from a sharpening stone, and crosshatches done by wrong mashining, which would be not real by this maker, the pommel area near C proofs and the crossguard are 1920 speaks same language, cleaned chemically from rust, which means it was done by previous collector, note cracked left grip, which was caused by dissasembling, and the right grip countersunk is not correctly tightened. The parkerising surface was obtained by lying of the complete bayonet in fosforic acid for longer time -some hours, i do it many time by derusting of old damaged bayonets. When You have similar finish by Berg39 is too not period, but postwar could be done by some countries as Israel to sample, or by collectors. Frog could be wout visible maker marking, but it could be too a repro version, Al rivets are untypical for WW1.
Thanks Andy for your explanation and expertise. I was wondering about the finish and your explanation makes perfect sense. The markings and matched saabbars are what drew me to this bayonet.