Two K98k Snipers with DOW+

I just checked the website of Matt and all three pictured rifles have the standard safety. See yourself here:

Farb, thanks for telling me the dot barrel is OK. Would the rifle originally had the single rune on the receiver, or not? And was this one straight converted after having been made due to lack of a SSZZA4 proof?

As Mike pointed out, your rifle should not have the SSZZA4 stamp because it never went to that depot. And yes your safety is correct. I am yet to see a double claw with a shortened safety.
Thanks. I did throw in two different topics, but was also not 100% sure factory made SS contract rifles were converted to snipers straight after they were finished or if they were taken back from the front and then rebuild. I‘ve asked this also since when looking at the closeup of the receiver it appeared to me that the final acceptance on the receiver is overblued while the SSZZA2 sniper rebuild mark was made later. But this might had been part of the original sniper conversion, a reblue after having cut the dovetail for the bases.
Matt, I have another DOW+ on machined LSR mount which has some rust pittings too, but the mount is in the u block and therefore the v block mount on the rifle is closer matching.

Hey Georg...Whats the serial on that U block mount..?
Steve, one is 833 but no clue on the second one. Will have to check!

Edit: need to correct myself. It was 8333u and not 833u.
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