Stupid Gunboards advise again

Gunboards has a solid listing for Gun shows which I still, on occasion use. However, after that...….there is no creditably information being exchanged. Your honestly wasting your time on this site.

Gunboards gold, courtesy of ShooterIke:

Changing the barrel on the M16/AR15 family is so easy I've done it while sitting on the pot. I never needed to change it in the field either. But I do have the goodies and know how to do if I need to.

I really have read thousands of books and can talk to ANYONE about ANYTHING. That is what my friends like about me. A friend of mine at the Patton Museum called me years ago and asked where he could find parts for a "Panther" tank they were rebuilding. I told him to take the old parts to a dealership for large FORD trucks. He called me back a bit later, amazed that the people at FORDS had everything needed. I told him Henry Ford owned Maybach and that the U.S. Government had fined him millions of dollars because his German companies had produced goods for Hitler. Does that prove that Ford was a secret ally of Hitler? What I actually believe is that the MORE you know the better life goes and NEVER be afraid to look into the dark places.
Gunboards gold, courtesy of ShooterIke:

While I often enjoy populating new barrels whilst sitting on the pot I did NOT know I could buy parts for my Panther tank at the local Ford dealership! :thumbsup:

Wisdom that just keeps on giving.
Gunboards has a solid listing for Gun shows which I still, on occasion use. However, after that...….there is no creditably information being exchanged. Your honestly wasting your time on this site.

I have to respectfully disagree, to say there is absolutely no credible information being exchanged and that it's a waste of time is your opinion. Several of the rifle-specific subforums are still great resources and without the WTS trader I would not have several beautiful additions to my collection.

There are alot of idiots/scammers/shooterike's, just gotta take the good and ignore/laugh at the bad.
While I often enjoy populating new barrels whilst sitting on the pot I did NOT know I could buy parts for my Panther tank at the local Ford dealership! :thumbsup:

Wisdom that just keeps on giving.

Man, what a relief! Now I don't have to travel to the wilds of Western Russia/Ukraine to find that pesky, missing transmission for my Ausf D. I'm just gonna go buy two from my local Ford dealer. Who knew? :thumbsup:

I have to respectfully disagree, to say there is absolutely no credible information being exchanged and that it's a waste of time is your opinion. Several of the rifle-specific subforums are still great resources and without the WTS trader I would not have several beautiful additions to my collection.

There are alot of idiots/scammers/shooterike's, just gotta take the good and ignore/laugh at the bad.

I would tend to agree. The more obscure forums, such as Enfields and Carcanos and French Firearms, still have some solid discussion. I just only have so much internets time and having to engage in debate with nitwits to assure that knowledge is not corrupted is not a good use of my time. I find my time and learning are better spent here. Nitwits coming here don't get high post counts and end up more as crash test dummies and dunking booth clowns for entertainment and amusement. They don't end up as moderators or people anyone looks to for anything, nor is their information pollution blithering tolerated. Onward, upward, higher and higher and all....
I have to respectfully disagree, to say there is absolutely no credible information being exchanged and that it's a waste of time is your opinion. Several of the rifle-specific subforums are still great resources and without the WTS trader I would not have several beautiful additions to my collection.

There are alot of idiots/scammers/shooterike's, just gotta take the good and ignore/laugh at the bad.

There isnt very much anymore. Military Mauser forum has Chris aka Bagiman, other than him everyone else with anything positive to add is a member here. Forum trader started to go downhill when I still went there. Scammers infiltrated, there was never anything of much interest, and most importantly there was an egomaniac running it who made it unbearable. Strict enforcement of no chit chat and multiple listings for everyone but him and his buddies. Recently I think it was Kampfy sold some stuff there that was worth buying, but again he is a member here. Other than that nothing exciting enough for anyone to post about elsewhere or send a message about. French forum I would rather go to Surplus Rifle Forum where Kelt is the Mod. Though I haven't been there lately, not sure how active it is.

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