Senior Member
I bought an original G43 stock for one of my project shooters. I got it for a great price due to the issues that it had. It has been chopped down about 2 inches and the bottom was contoured for a flat butt plate. I first tried cutting out a small part of the bottom of the stock and attached a butt end from a K98 in an "L" shape. I didn't like the seams from the cuts that I did so I had to go deeper into the original stock. I had to get another butt end from a K98. Now keep in mind that I could have purchased several K98 stocks that were complete for cheaper but I couldn't convince my heart to chop a good usable stock so I bought sporter stocks that had the forend already altered. I cleaned up the cut on the original stock and made a good cut on K98 butt end #2 and used 6 inch lag screws. The joint is nice and tight but I plan on putting some acraglas in the joint as an extra measure even though this joint right now is near indestructible. Once that I joined the two pieces, I shaped the butt end to the stock and eliminated the high spots. I am super happy with the near match of the wood grain. It is a near match on both sides. I will have to blend in the sanded parts to match the rest of the stock. Here is a few photos of what I started with and where I am at now. I will also show in this thread in the near future what the completed rifle looks like. The story with this rifle is that it was chopped up pretty good and Apfeltor helped bring it back to life. This will be a great shooter for on the range.