SS contract bnz43 with SSZZA4 stamp and Deathshead K stock


Senior Member
Long title for a "plain" service rifle, but it's the markings that make it attractive! It is a bnz43 SS contract rifle that got reworked. Plenty parts are EP marked. Unfortunately the EP on the bolt and safety is impossible to picture (even tough to see in hands), the one on the magazine guard is barely visible, but a few others fortunately are well visible. I was amazed to notice the rear sight base has the EP serial on bottom, that was a first one for me. It is one what Mike and Bruce call the late ones, having the stock that is marked with the Deathshead and K over it on bottom at the very rear. This one fortunately has the stamp very well visible, so I did a closeup that is posted separately. The rifle is all matching numbers, the worn finish is the bad thing about it, but the barrel however is great. It is a 1941 barrel from Steyr - not sure if this was original to the rifle or if it was replaced when overhauled. Tried to make the stamps better visible with a white crayon, didn't work this well so there are some showing it with the white and some without. Sorry they are out of order, can't sort them manually, but uploaded them in the correct order.


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Nice, but it isn’t a reworked SS contract, it simply looks to be depot built from a rejected Radom receiver. Nice to see a complete one!

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bnz 43 SS rework

Great looking rifle. Would love to have this one in my collection.
Thanks for posting and excellent pics.
This is a really awesome rifle.

Nice, but it isn’t a reworked SS contract, it simply looks to be depot built from a rejected Radom receiver. Nice to see a complete one!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mike, how can you tell that's a reject receiver?
This is a really awesome rifle.

Mike, how can you tell that's a reject receiver?

I don’t see any e/77 on the right side but it has the small Radom bnz type marking. I’m assuming it doesn’t have that inspection since he didn’t show pics of it, maybe it does? I’ve seen some like that.

On second look, maybe it’s a Gusen receiver, the scale looks off. But maybe.

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Sure is a great looking rifle and was a pleasure to see. Would love to also have a BNZ in my meager collection.
I don’t see any e/77 on the right side but it has the small Radom bnz type marking.

I was wondering if that's what it was but am not wise enough to speak sometimes so I'll wait. I'd expect at least 1 acceptance on the RR if it was to be put in regular production.
Somehow, I'm getting that cold blue look to the metal. I'd like to see if the barrel channel is unnumbered, pics. of the top, bottom and sides of the bolt root, and close up photos of the Totenkopf and "k" mark.:happy0180:
I don’t see any e/77 on the right side but it has the small Radom bnz type marking. I’m assuming it doesn’t have that inspection since he didn’t show pics of it, maybe it does? I’ve seen some like that.
On second look, maybe it’s a Gusen receiver, the scale looks off. But maybe.
I was quite in a hurry when taking these pictures, so surely could had missed something. Let me know what I need to check for/show to be able to tell if depot made or true SS contract!

Nice piece of wood you have there George, is that a delam or a splice repair on the right side near the toe.
A bit of a delamination, at least that is how it looks to me. Fortunately nothing bad, just at the surface. Will keep it this way, I'm not shooting it anyway!

Somehow, I'm getting that cold blue look to the metal. I'd like to see if the barrel channel is unnumbered, pics. of the top, bottom and sides of the bolt root, and close up photos of the Totenkopf and "k" mark.:happy0180:
You know what, I thought the same! Therefore used 0000 steel wool which would remove the cold blue - it remained in that ugly cloudy brown finish, only removed the grease-oily cover it was in. Either that changed the finish to that color, or what I'm more inclined to believe, the depot where it was repaired/set up simply had a bad blueing. The bolt basically has no finish at all, and if someone cold-blued the whole rifle he'd had blued that bolt as well. Also note the barrel on the underside is exactly that same cloudy brown finish as outside, only a bit less worn below than outside.
Barrel channel is unnumbered, missed to picture it. Bolt root is Eagle 77 marked on bottom. Re the Deaths Head K, I uploaded a 3200 px picture showing this stamp only (forum seems to have resized it to 2222px however). Don't know if I can make it much larger than this. Let me know if I should take it again.
I'd like to see if the barrel channel is unnumbered, pics. of the top, bottom and sides of the bolt root, and close up photos of the Totenkopf and "k" mark.:happy0180:

... at least for the bolt, the mobile phone sometimes makes it easier to capture light markings such as the EP serial. Originally said bolt was Eagle 77 accepted .. seems to be not the case, looking at it closely. However, no idea though what the markin on the underside is. Maybe someone else..


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... at least for the bolt, the mobile phone sometimes makes it easier to capture light markings such as the EP serial. Originally said bolt was Eagle 77 accepted .. seems to be not the case, looking at it closely. However, no idea though what the markin on the underside is. Maybe someone else..

Thanks Absolut,
It's the correct Gusen manufactured bolt Marked # 3.:hail:
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I don’t see any e/77 on the right side but it has the small Radom bnz type marking. I’m assuming it doesn’t have that inspection since he didn’t show pics of it, maybe it does? I’ve seen some like that.
On second look, maybe it’s a Gusen receiver, the scale looks off. But maybe.

No Eagle 77 on right side. Gusen identification would be V7 circled, or something else how I can confirm this?
No Eagle 77 on right side. Gusen identification would be V7 circled, or something else how I can confirm this?

The Circled V7 can appear almost anywhere on the receiver, especially under the wood line! My SS contract has THREE of them, two not visible unless the stock is off. Look carefully all over the receiver, there are known for be partial or light strikes too.

Sent from my top secret official Bunker of the Order of the Def’s Hed.
Thanks Absolut,
It's the correct Gusen manufactured bolt Marked # 3.:hail:

I agree, I can see the “3” on the underside of the root too. However, it looks to me like this bolt was never stamped with an acceptance e/77 OR with a proof on the bolt root rear! The surface looks manufacture original to me, not ground down like the top.

I like this rifle a lot! It is most interesting.

Sent from my top secret official Bunker of the Order of the Def’s Hed.
The Circled V7 can appear almost anywhere on the receiver, especially under the wood line! My SS contract has THREE of them, two not visible unless the stock is off. Look carefully all over the receiver, there are known for be partial or light strikes too.

I looked really close. Nothing to be found. The only thing I could come up with is another 3, stamped at the very rear portion of the receiver. Does this also indicate Gusen production?

swjXE, tried my best re closeup of the Deaths Head stamp on the stock. Attached a few pictures showing it with different light positions used.


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I looked really close. Nothing to be found. The only thing I could come up with is another 3, stamped at the very rear portion of the receiver. Does this also indicate Gusen production?

swjXE, tried my best re closeup of the Deaths Head stamp on the stock. Attached a few pictures showing it with different light positions used.

Thanks for the pics. Absolut, The deaths head looks great and original to me. I guess since the receiver has the same "3" as the bolt, it must be made at Gusen as well. The omniscient guru of all late war and SS 98k's mrfarb will hopefully weigh in and let us know if we've gone astray.