Sniper clone, which rifle to pick and what setup to build?


So I have 3 K98ks . A matching Ce41, a sporter rescue 39 Erma and sporter rescue 38 BLM. The Erma has a mismatched stock and H band, while rest of the metal and the bolt are matching the rifle. The BML was a matching barreled action with matching bolt and trigger guard. Bore on both is equally good.

So Erma or BLM for a sniper clone? I'm leaning BLM, as the Erma has more matching parts. So, on a 38 BLM, what scope setup would be most appropriate?
Actually this forum is more focused on historical K98k rifles than sniper builds. While you may get answers, expect most in here to dislike your planning for you modifying a K98k rifle. Plus there surely are better places with people more knowledgeable on sniper builds than this forum.
I am not under the impression the OP wants to scam others by selling a faux sniper as original, just saying that normally we here discuss the authentication of sniper rifles, the different mounts and how they were made - not where to get which components to build a lookalike yourself. At least I'm certain there are other forums which are better for this than this one.
I am not under the impression the OP wants to scam others by selling a faux sniper as original, just saying that normally we here discuss the authentication of sniper rifles, the different mounts and how they were made - not where to get which components to build a lookalike yourself. At least I'm certain there are other forums which are better for this than this one.
I agree. I think most here would rather even not see a bolt m/m drilled. There are ones out there that are already f'd up to the degree we wouldn't care.
OK, to adress the posts above. Am I building a fake sniper to sell and make buck? No. I shoot my rifles. I have 3 k98ks that shoot the same, so wanted to add some variety and scope one.

Getting another rifle for a project. Sure, but I already have these and the 38 BLM is basically that only, bolt and action matching. Everything else was gone when it got sporterised. So really, that is one I'm likely to drill and tap for a scope and wanted some thoughts on what setup would be most appropriate for that rifle.
OK, to adress the posts above. Am I building a fake sniper to sell and make buck? No. I shoot my rifles. I have 3 k98ks that shoot the same, so wanted to add some variety and scope one.

Getting another rifle for a project. Sure, but I already have these and the 38 BLM is basically that only, bolt and action matching. Everything else was gone when it got sporterised. So really, that is one I'm likely to drill and tap for a scope and wanted some thoughts on what setup would be most appropriate for that rifle.
Yeah I hear you. Likely an overreaction on my part. We have seen some nice even matching rifles bodged.
I would definitely save the matching CE rifle. Sporter rifles are best option as collector value is pretty much gone.

Having built 2 clones off sporter guns, I would make sure it's accurate to begin with.
Stay away from reproduction scopes, they're all crap.

A 38 BLM doesn't really fall into any historical sniper maker, so you're free to build as you please. Perhaps read on german sniper rifle history and find a style that pleases you.
I personally would just do a low turret with a commercial zielvier and have it built by member here Vaughn.
Yes, the 41 sauer I’ll leave alone even thou the stock is messed up be being stained . The erma is below, and last one down is the blm.



So I have 3 K98ks . A matching Ce41, a sporter rescue 39 Erma and sporter rescue 38 BLM. The Erma has a mismatched stock and H band, while rest of the metal and the bolt are matching the rifle. The BML was a matching barreled action with matching bolt and trigger guard. Bore on both is equally good.

So Erma or BLM for a sniper clone? I'm leaning BLM, as the Erma has more matching parts. So, on a 38 BLM, what scope setup would be most appropriate?

Which one out of the Erma and BLM shoots better? Which ever one groups best in a test fire, that's the one I'd pick, which is after all how they chose rifles at the factory for sniper conversion.