Small Rune proof on the bottom of the receiver.


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Small Rune proof on the bottom of the receiver. Picture added

I have a bcd42 that was used by Israel,.308 barrel 7.62 on the stock and front top of the receiver and a couple of six point stars etc. On the bottom of the receiver, just forward and to the right of the sear, there is a small Rune among two other proofs [a 1 and a triangular, serifed Z]. What does that Rune, in that location say about this rifle?

Many thanx, Chuck


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Not much, but without photos it's hard to say exactly what you are talking about. Many receivers show odd markings as internal inspection during manufacture.
Found the answer in the new "Kriegsmodell" book, Pg. 147. A paraphrase is that the small Rune proof shows some SS control in some 42-43 bcd rifles, but not as yet determined whether it was at Buchenwald or Weimer.
It is always good to have good books, this one is really good, but, I had to open it first!
