Small bore references??

Awesome news! Make sure you put a link here at the forum when it goes on sale.

I will certainly do so, with your permission. This work has been a long, collaborative team effort and would not have been possible without the help of so many---including many participants here. We have tried to combine the best information on the subject with cooperation and input from the most knowledgeable people around the globe. Many are no longer with us. It includes a wealth of information generously provided by Jon Speed, documents from several journeys to archives in Suhl, the vast archives of period literature and advertising owned by Bob Simpson and various collectors abroad, photographs and data assembled during travels and studies spanning almost half a century, and the helpful input from more individuals than can be counted. Our hope is that it will not only serve as a valuable reference, but will also inspire others to continue the job of finding and recording this information for the future.

Steve Whitley
Yes, by all means post a link to the page where it's going to be sold.

Thanks for the good photo of Bob. I haven't seen him in a few years now, but he doesn't seem to change much. I can still remember him at the old Bagnell Dam Show with his tables at the front door and how fast he could get to the middle of the parking lot. When something interesting to him walked in.
I seen it!

Yes, I believe in miracles. Bob came by my table at the SOS and dropped the printed draft of THE BOOK on my table. Wow. It will be published.
Ever so glad you got to see that, Joe! We are feverishly completing the final clean-up and additions.

I had a brief look at the draft and I can't wait for the book to come out!!

Bob was quicker on the draw when he bought a nice Mauser DSM34 just before I saw it.
Latest word, directly from the person who will determine that date, is "this summer." Best I can give you, believe me.

Pp 32

Hello, Does anybody own a PP 32 Wather? I just purchased one (a Luftwaffe) example I had a few questions. I maybe in the wrong thread if so the Mod can delete.