slam fire with 1935 saur 98k

Hey there folks,i have a question for you guys. I am new to 98ks and i need some expert advice. I recently acquired a 98k from a friends grand father, this rifle is in mint condition. However, it fires when the butt is hit hard or if the bolt is closed too hard, it also has a very light trigger. Is there a way i can fix this,either by taking it to a gun shop or by adjusting something on my own?????? i appreciate any feedback.
No adjustments, sounds like somebody filed down or over polished the sear and or cocking piece..
Triggers are super cheap and easy to change out, I would look there first if you have a gunsmith screwdriver kit, no reason to pay a gunsmith unless the cost is not a concern.
Keep it, it's numbered. You can have a real gunsmith tig/mig build up the over-polished sear release. Also, make sure it is not the cocking piece which has been polished.
Appreciate the input. I will see what the trigger does, also the gun will not go off when the safety is on no mater how much i bang on it. It only slam fires when the safety is off.
Compare your trigger sear and cocking piece to photos of unmodified parts to determine which, or if both, have been altered.
...the gun will not go off when the safety is on no mater how much i bang on it.

That's exactly how it's supposed to be. The safety literally gets in the way of the cocking piece and keeps it from moving forward in the "safe" position.

If the cocking piece has been monkeyed with, a replacement trigger won't cure the problem. Please post better pictures of the cocking piece (side view and frontal view) so we can determine if it's still square or has been altered to a point where it's unsafe to operate.
Total height should be around 0.785". And both bosses underneath should be identical. Please verify.

For now I would say the cocking piece looks good. Do you have any pictures of trigger/sear components?
slam fire with 1935 Sauer 98k

I'm certainly not an expert. But, the cocking piece looks like the sear is making very little contact with it. Just a tiny bit near the bottom. And the bottom edge looks a bit rounded off...not a crisp edge for the sear to slide off of.
See if your trigger has a mod like this one. I bought a sportered bcd 43 that has a matching bolt and is not import marked that I am returning to WW2 configuration. Note there is a pin of sorts that somebody installed in the front of the OG trigger. What it is doing is holding the sear slightly down to the point that a light trigger pull will fire it. It doesnt slam fire when closing the bolt like yours. And I havent checked it for slam firing by hitting the butt on the ground. If it does, I can easlily remove this mod.


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Concur with previous poster. The sear has been dangerously modified to the point where the rifle is unsafe to operate. The angle allows the cocking piece to slide off the sear when bumped. A replacement sear is cheap and should be verified for safe operation in conjunction with the cocking piece. The pins need to be carefully punched out. Don't lose the sear spring (check if it has been cut off or ground short).
Off topic but if you prefer a lighter trigger pull (that won't slam fire) use the spring from the bolt shroud detent great.
NO I am not suggesting taking the one out of the rifle in hand, but source a spare from epay, bunbroker, etc...
Off topic but if you prefer a lighter trigger pull (that won't slam fire) use the spring from the bolt shroud detent great.
NO I am not suggesting taking the one out of the rifle in hand, but source a spare from epay, bunbroker, etc...

Think I might try this. I'm building a repro LSR sniper with repro ZF39 scope soon. I may use either a RC bcd 4 for this project or a CE 43 that was also an ex-sporter. I plan on determining which is a more accurate shooter first.
See if your trigger has a mod like this one. I bought a sportered bcd 43 that has a matching bolt and is not import marked that I am returning to WW2 configuration. Note there is a pin of sorts that somebody installed in the front of the OG trigger. What it is doing is holding the sear slightly down to the point that a light trigger pull will fire it. It doesnt slam fire when closing the bolt like yours. And I havent checked it for slam firing by hitting the butt on the ground. If it does, I can easlily remove this mod.

Very good point to be mindful of.