Should I go buy a lotto ticket?


Active member
Bought this nice '41 BYF from BigDibbs a little while back. This rifle came from an estate with two others and was found dissembled. Unfortunately, whoever reassembled them either couldn't find or didn't know about the value of matching serials and just built from the easily grabbed parts.

A few weeks ago, Rob texted me out of the blue, apparently the picker that had gone over the estate had found the matching parts on a second visit, thanks to Rob insisting that they keep a close eye out in-case they resurface. After some extra cash was exchanged, I got the parts, and am proud to present a now all matching, '41 BYF.

I don't think there are too many matching rifles that have been added back to the "gene pool" out there, figured this worth was sharing. Would love to hear any stories if anyone else has managed to do something like this.

I attached a few photos of the new parts and some general pics of the rifle. For some much, much higher quality ones though check out this link of the original sales post (click).

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I have to believe this is quite rare. Thinking that mostly once they're broken up, they're done. Glad to see you were able to get it back together. Looks quite nice btw.
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Wow talk about a story with a happy ending! Don't here of this very often. Thanks for sharing your good fortune. Nice being a "41" as I heard they are a tougher year to find.
Amazing.. stuff like this rarely happens if ever.. Rob does well getting and finding stuff even though he can be kinda a dink.. :ROFLMAO:

Your rifle just doubled in price easily and he didnt rape you on the parts which isnt like him... Must of caught him on an off day..

Enjoy that one its a real keeper....
I remember hearing about that from Rob the other day-- pretty incredible. Even better he sent them your way. You just never know-- I found out one of my friends had the matching bolt from one of my Gew 98s in one of his bolt m/m a couple years ago. Really made my day!
Great looking Rifle , You don't see them in this nice of condition as often as we use to . You got a keeper !!!!!!