Short side rail scope/mount


Hi everybody,
I'd like to show you a recent acquisition.
Undoubtedly original, that one comes out of the woodwork.
The secured bar occult the maker mark. Without a doubt a dkl.


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Hi everybody,
I'd like to show you a recent acquisition.
Undoubtedly original, that one comes out of the woodwork.
The secured bar occult the maker mark. Without a doubt a dkl.

Beautiful Type 3 SSR with DKL and Recoil Bar for a Sauer !!!!! . :thumbsup:

One thing stands out that I find interesting is the Screws that attach the Recoil Bar to Scope Tube , this is first time I have seen this type of Screw Installation . All the ones I have seen to date have the Screw Heads Counter Sunk into Recoil Bar . Example photo attached .


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Very interesting indeed.
I did not expect the dkl scopes had been produced so early, to be mated with a SSR.
dkl #1115 is a Sauer HT scope.
One thing stands out that I find interesting is the Screws that attach the Recoil Bar to Scope Tube , this is first time I have seen this type of Screw Installation . All the ones I have seen to date have the Screw Heads Counter Sunk into Recoil Bar . Example photo attached .

Since the bar is added by a depot, I expect you could find different installation techniques.

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What a great combo! Very nice, first time for me as well to see a dkl+ on a SSR mount. If you decide to part with it (or would trade it with any other scope), please let me know. I still have a ce43 SSR sniper in the L block which I am in need for a mount like yours (see

Amberg, the dkl+ serials in my opinion do not follow the scope patterns. The LT dkl+ serials I am aware of are in the 2xxx serial range, but you could find both 1xxx as well as 2xxx and 3xxx serials on HT mount as well.

Since the bar is added by a depot, I expect you could find different installation techniques.
I was not aware these were added by a depot. Do you have any sources for this?
I was not aware these were added by a depot. Do you have any sources for this?

It seems obvious to me that the bar is a depot repair - none are exactly the same, the ones I have seen look professionally done, but you see other SSR Sauer mounts without the bar, so no evenly applied. This one for instance, different screws than the one Dave posted. This modification is what I would consider textbook depot repair stuff, done at depot shops.

Why do you consider it factory done, do you have some source for that?
I did not state I consider it factory. I only wanted to know whether you have any provenance to attribute it to a depot. There are not many of these scopes and mounts known. Dave has posted a picture of the other one I am aware of - it is mounted on matching numbers ce42 coded K98k rifle in the r block.
I see. No paperwork, but we know things like the “type3” wing nut are depot repairs for loose scope mounts, it goes along with items like that imo. They even appear to be a scabbed on repair strategy.

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I would certainly lean towards these space bars being depot done. The short side rail was always plagued with problems that the depots made several attempts to fix. Makes sense that this was another one.
I would certainly lean towards these space bars being depot done. The short side rail was always plagued with problems that the depots made several attempts to fix. Makes sense that this was another one.

Would you agree, that this dkl scope with space bar was a depot replacement for the original damaged scope?
Sorry, but a dkl with SSR does not fit into my thoughts about being factory original.
Since the bar is added by a depot, I expect you could find different installation techniques.

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I agree , I do not see anything that makes me think its suspect . I was just pointing out which type installation I have seen and that this type was first example I have seen .
Would you agree, that this dkl scope with space bar was a depot replacement for the original damaged scope?
Sorry, but a dkl with SSR does not fit into my thoughts about being factory original.

Sauer used a lot of DKL Scopes. Could possibly be original. Not saying 100% for sure. But it is likely. The serials on the scopes are not linear with mounting systems. Never say never. There are so few SSR scopes and mounts. I am not saying your wrong either. Just saying it’s possible. If it was only depot done they could have put any scope on there and not just a DKL that was used by Sauer in production based on the scopes documented in Sauer Turrets and LSR Rifles.
Would you agree, that this dkl scope with space bar was a depot replacement for the original damaged scope?
Sorry, but a dkl with SSR does not fit into my thoughts about being factory original.

I agree that the Recoil Bar is a Depot Repair but I disagree that the DKL was a Depot Replacement IMO the DKL was the Original Scope to this Mount .

A collector/friend has recorded other DKL Scopes that were also in the 1XXX Range and on Sauer SSR Mounts .

I have posted a few well known photos showing DKL Scopes on Sauer SSR`s plus you will also see H/4X60 Scopes . I have posted other period photographic evidence that proves there were a number of scope types used on or by Sauer with their SSR Rifles plus these two photo showing DKL Scopes also in use on Sauer SSR`s . Best Regards .


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Thanks for remembering these pics Dave. Very nice. Makes this all easier to remember for future recall to see actual examples. One of my favorite posts of the year. Cool scope for sure.

Edit: This is the only DKL SSR I have recorded. So this is really cool. Actually the earliest DKL I have on my list as well. Would be great if there were more examples to be seen here.
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A collector/friend has recorded other DKL Scopes that were also in the 1XXX Range and on Sauer SSR Mounts .


This is certainly the most interesting scope/mount set i've seen in a long time.

Thanks for showing!
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Thanks for remembering these pics Dave. Very nice. Makes this all easier to remember for future recall to see actual examples. One of my favorite posts of the year. Cool scope for sure.

Edit: This is the only DKL SSR I have recorded. So this is really cool. Actually the earliest DKL I have on my list as well. Would be great if there were more examples to be seen here.

If You compare the Placement of the DKL Scope in the Mount that was posted to the one in the photo that I posted of Single Sniper I would bet money this DKL Scope also has a recoil bar installed as its in exact position . Also the pic I posted that shows the Group of Snipers the Sniper to the far left in Camp Smock also has a Sauer SSR with a DKL Scope .
If You compare the Placement of the DKL Scope in the Mount that was posted to the one in the photo that I posted of Single Sniper I would bet money this DKL Scope also has a recoil bar installed as its in exact position . Also the pic I posted that shows the Group of Snipers the Sniper to the far left in Camp Smock also has a Sauer SSR with a DKL Scope .
I agree. All recoil bar scopes I have seen had a TWO wing nut. The SSR mounts I have seen with a SINGLE wing nut all did NOT have a recoil bar. It appears to me that the picture shown has a dual wing nut.

The picture of the SSR sniper with dkl+ dates to Spring 1944. Sauer got ordered to stop SSR mount on 29th October 1943. Does anyone know by which letter prefix Sauer was at that point? Anyway, these dates would roughly fit. These pictures are said to have been a sniper course. Therefore one would assume they got factory new sniper rifles, rather than one ones from a depot? I mean it also leaves very little time span for the sniper having troubles, going to a depot and being repaired and then already back to the sniper course.