Thx everyone ! Im on the road again for a few days, i didnt even notice if the base was contacting the stock now. Ill check when i get home. I didnt add any shims, although i have some from one of the mosin accurizing kits. Honestly ill never shoot it much, but as part of the purchase i agreed to have the PO come over and shoot it. so i had to zero it before inviting them over right??

i ran down to my backyard range with some light cast loads i shoot in my other 8mms..
edit..pix rotateddunno why or how to fix
took a few groups to get the windage set, then i set the elevation at 50 yds
added a bit more elevation, set the turret, and shot a few more at 100. looks like i yanked one..oh well
Funny about the PU...mine did the same thing! was a good shooter till one day it went to hell. installed the accurizing kit and now she is a 1MOAish rifle again. never thought to check the stock/base for contact. you can bet i will now. Funny my rifle likes 308 155 scenars over varget. Just tried some 311 SMKs but theres no improvement and i keep alot of scenars around so ill be stickin with matter what the sniper experts on the other boards say
Dave i was told before i bought the BEK that it wasnt considered correct. However when it became available at a fair price i couldnt pass on it. I will continue to look for a more correct scope. In the LSR sticky i made sure to mention that this combo was assembled from individual parts so hopefully no one considers my setup correct. I really like the look of the DOWs but im guessin they are pricy when they come up for sale. Thanks again everyone for your help!