Nice find, that’s pretty neat! I still think the kS98 cypher is an accidental AR though. There is a distinct A with no separate line for the top of the F.By inaugaration ordered the king a new ruler monogram, as here visible this is the second version of FAR. And the corunovation to King was made in late 1904 so its possible already produced proof stamps were used for prepared GR05 stamp, even this stamp is not real because the King Georg died before start of 1905. Nothing strange for me.
Sachsen-Albertinische Linie Tragbare Silbermedaille Friedrich August III. 1904-1918. Fast Stempelglanz
Sachsen-Albertinische Linie Tragbare Silbermedaille Friedrich August III. 1904-1918. Fast Stempelglanz ✓ MA-Shop Kauf mit Garantie ✓ Angebot mit Münzen und Medaillen von der Antike bis zum
Great find Ted! Thanks for showing it.I thought I was finished adding pieces to the collection, but I couldn't pass this one up for 2 reasons. First, I especially like Imperial kS98's, and second it's a rare Saxon issue. Ian Jackson's book on the Kurzes Seitengewehr1898 Model states on page 152 ~ a Haenel, AR14 with wood grips is considered exceptionally rare. For what it's worth, I was told by its former owner that it came from NZ.
I personally see problem by this stamp firstly the crown is out of monogram as to compare the 02 stamp, the stamp is not identical, other point which brings me as problematic is the date that was stamped independently by each digit, and thirdly there exist a strange piece with identical stamp in Voronov Book piece p.202 which have 15 date which is too stamped separate.The blade was stamped WKC. The piece is strange because S98nAS accepted in 1915!! This brings me to opinion, similar stamps are little strange mainly when compared the stamps on Williams on page 282, where is presented AR 93 and 94, where is the crown directly on monogram and date was stamped clearly with one die not by separate digits. here is evident on that piece, that something was under.
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There are evidently problem by the stamps. I would compare consistency of the E proof with other proof on that bayonets. On the left piece it looks like the 4 is stamped over rust. the digits are identical on both bayonets, but the right piece 4 is higher positioned as the left one, so this could be only in case of separate stamps with separate digits 1 and 4, similar stamping is hard to believe on normal production.
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Thanks for adding similar pieces and correcting me, as visible there exist various pieces with this stamp, personally i have problem with the S98nAS 15 marked piece from WKC presented in Voronov book, as the WK&Cie type logo is too late for 1914, this stamp was not used so late when comparing other WKC stamps, but is possible the acceptance was overstamped on older production bayonet. Strange for me too that they used not GR stamp which was predecessor of FA but switched to much older AR stamp. I believe the WK&Cie presented in Voronov book could be stored and later reproofed, that would explain the older maker stamp and evidently restamped proofs.
The Rudiger book speaks about ending the S98 production in September 1914, anyway a Saxony could be a oddity on this. Rudiger wrote too that many were flashguard equiped as visible on Your middle piece.
I believe that the date stamp was one piece, but in war time the digits could be wrongly alligned, which when i compare Your presented NCO sabre 15 date and the Voronov S98nAS 15 looks like identically aligned larger 5 in lower position in 15 date stamp. The AR property stamp could be explained by damage of normal FA property stamp (KS98 ) and wartime period, in peace time would be this probably not real.
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