Was offered this S/237 1938 K98k recently, and I don't have a K98k yet so I picked this one up as my first, and its sort of a mystery to me. It's a total mixmaster import marked rifle, and was definitely reblued at some point, not sure by who, but I dont think it was post import. Looks sort of like Russian dip blue maybe. I thought at first in pictures I saw of it that the stock was sanded but I'm pretty confident its not, the edges and markings are crisp and it looks darker in person than in photos. No peened or defaced swastikas, they're all there. Any ideas where this may have come from? My best guess is a RC someone took the shellac off but it doesn't have any other typical indicators of being a RC that I can tell. Let me know what you think.

I paid 650 for the rifle, but it came with a sealed crate of 680 rounds of Romanian 8mm on clips, a matching bayonet and scabbard, a cool ammo can that definitely looks WW2 (marked Wa 43 on the lid), 8mm reloading dies and about 100 each of brand new brass and sierra 8mm bullets, so I think overall I did good on the deal.

I paid 650 for the rifle, but it came with a sealed crate of 680 rounds of Romanian 8mm on clips, a matching bayonet and scabbard, a cool ammo can that definitely looks WW2 (marked Wa 43 on the lid), 8mm reloading dies and about 100 each of brand new brass and sierra 8mm bullets, so I think overall I did good on the deal.