S/147 G from Reno gun show


Bolt is non matching and someone put the wrong stock on it. Should I bring this back to original? It looks pretty the way it is but it is somewhat rare right? If I change the rear sight would it have the retainer ring again or not? Is that doable? What about the front sight?
(Silly typo, is S/147 G but can't edit.)
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I edited your thread to reflect the title you wanted (changed S/42G to S/147G)

If the barrel is the proper length, not cut or altered, I would put it in a proper stock, but it is hard to say exactly the condition of your rifle. Replacing the rearsight sleeve would fix the handguard retainer ring. A suitable RS sleeve should be easy to find, though, if the barrel was shortened, it is kind of pointless to go through a lot of trouble.
It is in nice shape with shiny barrel and good grooves. I inserted a cleaning rod and touching the bolt face it measures 22 1/4"
So I went to the range today and the first round went to bulls eye at 100 yards. It shoots real good. I am anxious to find out if someone cut the barrel. Maybe to put on a different front sight. From googling it seems mine is maybe about 1 1/2" shorter than it should be. But I am not sure if my method of measuring is correct. I would love more opinions on the gun. And what I should do with it if anything.
Pictures would be helpful, but typically a barrel is 23 inches long (exposed from receiver); the rear sight looks questionable here, plus you do not show much details about the rifle, but the barrel looks to be original from the one picture you show of it.
While some K98ks had their barrels shortened because of muzzle erosion;
(they moved everything back the amount of shortening so the bayonet still mounted correctly)
this looks more like someone just cut off the barrel to eliminate the front k98K front site so they could mount the Czech site.

Interesting approach to put so much effort to convert a K98k to use a VZ24 stock. A whole lot of work to devalue the gun.

Might be an interesting story as to why it happened.

With barrel shortened from 23.5/8 to 22 I would leave it as a shooter.
You won't improve the value for the money spent and for all you know it will not shoot as well in another stock

Very much IMO
I agree. The barrel is in great shape and it is hard to believe they had to cut due to erosion. Is it a Czech sight? It also looks like a M1 carbine sight. It seems like a lot of trouble to go through. I wonder who and why...