Russian capture G41's


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I was thinking the other day how this might make an interesting topic, Its likely Russians captured more G41's than the Americans did due to most being sent to the eastern front and the large attrition rate. Theoretically there could be a warehouse full of them in Russia somewhere as Russians like to hold onto outdated equipment.
Back when the RC's were coming in in large numbers there were always rumors of similar stocks of G/K43s and other semi-autos. Plenty of tales on assorted forums about how this and this importer was doing a purchasing tour and saw crates upon crates of G/K43s in the same basic condition as we saw with the refurb mosins and SVTs, the RC K98ks, and the assorted RC pistols that we did get. This would seem to be backed up by how many other similar weapons came out over the years, e.g. the SVT-40s and the PPSh's that you see both as parts kits and in combat zones. Plus things like the lend lease thompson parts kits from a few decades back.

The rumor that I always heard back in the early 00s was that the Russians were aware of how much the non-RC guns are worth and wanted to much for them to be economical to bring in, and then import laws got in the way in later years.
I heard the same rumors that they wanted too much for them. Can only imagine what they would want for them, if they could be imported, now that it is 2025.
I was sworn that there is a two digit number of FG42's in a particular place since the Russians had put aside the non standard rifles of which they had limited quantities - it therefore may well be that in that same place are G.41 rifles too. Doesn't matter now with the sanctions, there is no way to get them to the Western world at all.
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I was sworn that there is a two digit number of FG42's in a particular place since the Russians had put aside the non standard rifles of which they had limited quantities - it therefore may well be that in that same place are G.41 rifles too. Doesn't matter now with the sanctions, there is no way to get them to the Western world at all.

I dunno. If Putin gets desperate enough, they get captured in Ukraine, and they get surplussed out after the war then maybe? Given some of the pictures of how the Donetsk separatist militias were armed in the rear areas I'll pretty much guarantee there are some Ukrainian-captured Mosins* and PPSh's kicking around in some warehouse at this point. Joking, but then again, maybe not?

*scoped Mosins. I've yet to see good photographic evidence of them pulling out bog standard m91/30s. Which makes sense, they had enough surplus m91/30 snipers to be selling them off via Molot a few years back, and as much as no sane person wants to carry a WW2 era rifle into modern combat a scoped Mosin is way closer to being quasi-acceptable as a DMR or whatever than a standard one is to being a realistic combat arm.
Would be interesting to see would probably double the g41 population in the US if ever imported. I Think its unlikely they referbed them also.
I wonder where these rifles were imported from? 1958 Guns magazine ad...


  • Jan.1958 Guns Magazine add.jpg
    Jan.1958 Guns Magazine add.jpg
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Back in the 1990s a very good friend had been working some deals in Eastern Europe on more than one visit. This resulted in importation of both ammo & arms from Yugoslavia. I do believe he also went to Ukraine, where a lot of those Soviet K98ks, K98 & K43 ammo pouches, etc. were imported from (but not by him). While there, he was shown a moored vessel (perhaps on the black sea). He said it contained all the "oddball" arms captured from the Germans... G41s, G43s, a myriad of sub and other MGs and even a few Fg42s, etc. He also saw a German field waffenmeister's wagon, with benches, service tools and spares... preserved as it had been captured. I asked him about bayonets & frogs and was told the frogs had been burned and bayonets smelted down because the authorities thought there was no value in them. That was as far as it went. As time went on, it became much more sketchy dealing with anyone over there. The price of doing business was rife with greed, graft and everyone in the line of possession, processing, transferring and loading had to get their taste or your deal could get torpedoed for good.

Regarding the advert on post #8, that looks like one from Golden State Arms. They were a big importer in Pasadena, Ca. until the GCA '68 shut the door on their business. I know large quantities of pistols, etc. came to them from Norway. Lots of rifles were exported out of Belgium as well. A acquaintance of mine (Warren Odegarde) worked there for many years. It was true that back then, complete arms were charged a higher importation tax than arms parts to the USA. This lead to arms like rifles having the bolts removed and shipped separately from the actions. On one occasion, a shipment was stored on the docks in Belgium (I guess Antwerp) and a pier containing primarily the bolts burned and collapsed into the sea. The shipment was still sent, but most of the bolts were lost. So, they began advertising and buying up Mauser bolts all over the USA to slap into the boltless ones they had brought in...
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My assumption is they have them but we will never get them. Who knows never say never I guess. Would be interesting to just see what they have though, has to be a lot of the early push buttons and g41m's.