Rg34 G APPEL Behoerden 7.92mm/9mm


Senior Member
Was watching this auction and the strong interest it obviously generated. Overall condition, originality and completeness was undoubtedly the attraction (compared to similar kits sold in the past). Attached the first photo for record retention as the auction link will only last 90 days...



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I'm kinda regretting not bidding more.
What do you think of the price? Not sure what these usually go for (if such a thing could be determined)
IMHO, completeness, condition and presence of the proper 9x19 bore brush pushed this auction to the top value-wise. In addition, lying on Reisel's "Golden Fleece" gray blanket, which continually seems to draw superior bids for just about anything there upon, must be taken into account...
I was watching this auction too and was surprised to see it go that high. I just bought the case on ebay a month or so ago. It was not listed with the pistol brush holder
and only came up on the last picture which had to be scrolled down to see. Big surprise to me so I jump on the purchase. I only have one another can that is complete.
That one is only marked with a WaA 135 which doesn't seem to be list in any of my books. I believe that it is an early one. Any information would be appreciated.
I was watching this auction too and was surprised to see it go that high. I just bought the case on ebay a month or so ago. It was not listed with the pistol brush holder
and only came up on the last picture which had to be scrolled down to see. Big surprise to me so I jump on the purchase. I only have one another can that is complete.
That one is only marked with a WaA 135 which doesn't seem to be list in any of my books. I believe that it is an early one. Any information would be appreciated.
No cleaning kit has a Wa135 - post a photo of it. None of the 9mm brush kits I’ve seen are Waffenamt marked either.

I have 1 complete kit and another can/set missing the 9mm brush, been looking and they are impossible to find.
Have had a number of these kits over the years and the construction/contents are consistent.

- Behälter (painted) marked G. Appel only on the large compartment lid (no WaA)
- A very few have been observed with the G. Appel marking on the small compartment lid
- Clamp for the 9mm brush spot-welded inside the large compartment lid (clamp usually finished the same as the interior although a few examples noted in blued steel)
- Type 1b chain marked G. APPEL
- Type 2 HKW marked GUSTAV APPEL (little or no gap between the V & A - some noted with the GUSTAV APPEL stamped over cnx)
- Chain and tool marked with all capital letters and without WaA
- Unmarked Type 1 oil bottle
- Bore and Chamber brushes consistent with the time period

Probably 15 years ago (or more) I purchased six of these kits from a seller on ebay. They were all complete in the above configuration and appeared unissued with only storage wear. The women said that her great uncle had brought them back during the war.

Other examples that I have owned or examined have been consistent in these details. My thoughts only .....
No cleaning kit has a Wa135 - post a photo of it. None of the 9mm brush kits I’ve seen are Waffenamt marked either.

Have seen a few Portugrease Rg34s only, with unattributed behalter and bearing a micro WaA135 on the main compartment lid. There are other kits observed with very large chickens on the lids, too, but of later introduction. In fact, several years prior, had one of the "micro" kits which I found for $25.00 at a show. At that time, was uncertain how it fit into the scheme of things. However, my Rg34 education improved considerably since becoming a Forum member and realized the typical Portugrease Rg34 had no place in my growing collection, so back to a show it went (and for what it cost me). I strongly suspect this embellishment may be from the same guy in Kali whom also had several German items bearing a Mauser "Banner" stamp, too (c.a. late 1980s).

As for the dual-caliber kits, had maybe half a dozen come my way and most were priced at typical Rg34 costs for the time. Usually the 9x19 brush was missing or replaced with a post-WW2 W.German one. Worked my way up to a totally intact kit with proper components and whatever I had excess went to others.
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No cleaning kit has a Wa135 - post a photo of it. None of the 9mm brush kits I’ve seen are Waffenamt marked either.

I have 1 complete kit and another can/set missing the 9mm brush, been looking and they are impossible to find.

No cleaning kit has a Wa135 - post a photo of it. None of the 9mm brush kits I’ve seen are Waffenamt marked either.

I have 1 complete kit and another can/set missing the 9mm brush, been looking and they are impossible to find.
Here are the pictures. I know nothing about the kits just have this one for display and have had it for a long time, years. It has only to one marking and none of the other items are marked.


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