Black Rose
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Two European Military Mauser Pattern Bolt Action Rifles | Rock Island Auction
Two European Military Mauser Pattern Bolt Action Rifles with Scopes -A) German J.P. Sauer & Son "ce/43" Model 98 RifleImport marked, "eagle/359" marked scope mount on the left side of the receiver. With Noris 6x scope and leather sling.
I've been browsing Rock Island Auction and GunBroker often for K98 finds and I came across this. A bundle with a CE/43 K98 and a Czech BRNO VZ 24. Both are configured as "snipers". I know neither of these rifles are legitimate snipers and are reproductions by the previous owners.
I've always wanted a K98 sniper (reproduction of course cause the original is far too expensive), but I do not know anything about how historically "accurate" its configuration is. Would this bundle be worth the asking price at all? And how accurate is this reproduction?
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