Repro G43 stock?

A friend is offering to sell me this G43 stock but claims it’s a reproduction made back in the 90s. Does anyone have any experience with reproduction stocks and if they actually fit in G43s or if this even looks like a good reproduction? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


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first I can recall seeing with white glue.. Its better than most I have seen that's for sure.. Most repro stocks even FOX may require minor fitting.. A small set of cheap wood chisels and files will work.
I recall cross bolt and buttplate fit were the toughest to work on with the one I had.
It could be a stock made by John Dell in the 1990s. I have several of his and they are flawless. I never heard why he stopped making them.

The stock shown in your pictures looks excellent and quite possibly one of Dell's stocks!
This is one of my 1990s made 'John Dell' G-43 stock sets. It's been on my shooter duv.44 #9005 g for almost 20 years now. I left it unstained and applied a single coat of BLO.

John Dell 1990s G-43 stock set.jpgJohn Dell 1990s G-43 stock set - B.jpg
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It looks like a good quality. The proof is in the fit and you wont know until you put your action in it!!

Yep. Obviously no one can speak of that particular stock since we don't know who made it etc (although some educated guesses can be made) but most of the repros will require some slight fitting to get the action to seat right. Years ago I bought a rifle that someone had cut on the grip and stock area, and fitted a repro to it. It wasn't a hassle and was something I was able to get done over the course of a few hours in an apartment with a pocket knife, a file, and a cork and lighter for soot.

The crossbolt was the real pain in the butt.