Reporting East German VOPO reworked K43 + stock questions

Listen A__hole

I served as an Officer in the RCAF for almost a decade.
I have worked in a hospital throughout this pandemic as a frontline worker and medical provider and I have done more for my country and fellow Canadians since March than you have in your lifetime.
I have also provided and contributed more information regarding German firearms to this forum, to Mr. Weaver and to Claus over the last 10x years than you likely could in a lifetime.

Not sure any of that is relevant, as you are just grandstanding.

I do have a High School degree believe it or not, but I also have two bachelor degrees with distinction and a Masters of Science in a program that requires a 3.7/4 average just to get an interview. Despite having over 7+ years of University education, I still like to shoot guns. Alberta is a lovely province with some of the best hunting in the world. The province has the highest rate of volunteerism per capita in the country, as we actually give a shite about our neighbors. It is also the most conservative and right wing province in Confederation and as Kenny points out the freest and least taxed province in the country that not long ago had zero provincial debt.

Colour me surprised, you actually finished high school. Its a good thing that we are socialist, because a great deal of our taxes go towards schooling. Moreover, undergraduate degrees are heavily subsidized by both providential and federal governments. So you directly benefited from a socialist policy. As for "Western alienation" you have done nothing but bitch about how BC has messed up Berta's oil, so its more about Alberta alienation. So here's the thing, the expected timeframe for an undergraduate is 4 years. That mean two would take 8 years... and you've only had ~7 years of education? That doesn't even count the time for a masters. You should have at least 11 years for all three, unless you counted a minor as a Bachelor's which is not how you do that. You could have also attended some backwater yokel institution. Don't be so bashful, if you attended a competitive program, name it. If you gave a shite about your neighbors, why do you shite on BC? The only reason you had zero provincial debt is because oil was selling well.

BC seats helped JT to a majority his first sitting and allowed him to hold a minority his second sitting.

Oil is only failing in Alberta as it is landlocked due to fucktards like you! People who can't see the big picture and realize that pipelines are safer than transporting oil by rail. It is failing as people without common sense don't realize that a project like the Key Stone would benefit America, Canada and Alberta. The whole dirty oil myth is propaganda supported and sponsored by the People's Republic of China, the Saudi's and some American interests that like to purchase an unrefined product at a discount price. Oil is failing as provinces like BC block pipelines and in return doesn't allow us to export oil to additional markets, as people like you don't realize those profits are shared amongst all Canadians.

If you don't want our oil, we should stop selling you our natural gas and your houses can be cold and your showers as well - that might help you wake up to reality.

For someone who is a NEWB member and praising Biden and stating that he is a conservative shows how you don't understand how to judge context and you have already shown you don't understand sarcasm.

And talking about patriotism - if you don't like hockey your likely a Pinko and not a true Canadian. Likely a European import who brings his European values here and their visor.

I'm not the one holding the picket line buddy. Berta oil is failing because there are far cheaper options. Berta oil is expensive to extract and refine. How many times do you need to hear that Berta's heavy crude is worse then light crude? It's not propaganda, the oil sits in literal SAND. I am not talking about transportation. Key stone only benefited Canada, as Americans only got benefits from the temporary jobs. Oil isn't failing because BC block pipelines, the global economy is finding alternatives to oil. You need to deal with the reality of the modern era.

BC's electricity comes from hydro, so if Berta wanted to cut the natural gas, those of us affected could just go for electric heat.

I never praised the greasy hair, kid sniffing, pedo. You even said that Canadian cons are center, where do you think Biden sits??? If only my brain was as smooth as yours.

Canada was built by Europeans, so Canadian values are inherently European. Again, I never said I don't like hockey, but that I don't watch it. Moreover, how does that matter?

You come back with the vigor of a young man but with the sophistication of a brute.
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Colour me surprised, you actually finished high school. Its a good thing that we are socialist, because a great deal of our taxes go towards schooling. Moreover, undergraduate degrees are heavily subsidized by both providential and federal governments. So you directly benefited from a socialist policy. As for "Western alienation" you have done nothing but bitch about how BC has messed up Berta's oil, so its more about Alberta alienation. So here's the thing, the expected timeframe for an undergraduate is 4 years. That mean two would take 8 years... and you've only had ~7 years of education? That doesn't even count the time for a masters. You should have at least 11 years for all three, unless you counted a minor as a Bachelor's which is not how you do that. You could have also attended some backwater yokel institution. Don't be so bashful, if you attended a competitive program, name it.

Obviously your knowledge of Canadian secondary institutions is as lacking as your knowledge of firearms and their history in Canada.

Many of the main Universities in Canada offer combined Bachelors degree programs. They are generally competitive programs and you complete 6x years of university within 5x years simply by taking 6-7x classes each semester versus the standard 5x classes. Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with Distinction and a Bachelor of Education with distinction were the degrees I earned. As per my Masters, most are expected to be completed within 2-3 years in Canada. Most Rehabilitation Medicine masters programs across the country are 2x years (Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Physical Therapy). I completed the later earning a Masters of Science in Physical Therapy. Each province only has one University that offers these programs so no, it wasn’t some two-bit program and licensing is regulated Nationally for the public’s interest. These programs complete 4x years of schooling in two years simply by running all four terms within those two years with 6-9x classes per term.

So yes 5+2 = 7 (two degrees and a master’s). Where did the “+” come from? Military College classes taken as Officer development.

And your right ~20-40% of tuition is covered, because as stated Canada is a socialist country. However, I never did accept a government or bank student loan, as I paid for my own tuition by working honest blue collar jobs versus taking the “fun jobs” of my peers. For this I am proud of as I wasn’t a burden on the tax payer and actually paid taxes as a student.
Despite this being entertaining and you giving me truly a good head shake and laugh, I am going to leave you and this discussion behind.

Some of us have collecting to do, which is the point of this forum.

I have a busy day planned. More information on these CEF and CEF captured pieces will be discussed in the MG section of the forum later this week.

Thank you again and “I am sorry” to our American friends as you have been very patient and sadly Mr Kraut is quite an embarrassment to I and my Canadian collecting peers.


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Obviously your knowledge of Canadian secondary institutions is as lacking as your knowledge of firearms and their history in Canada.

Many of the main Universities in Canada offer combined Bachelors degree programs. They are generally competitive programs and you complete 6x years of university within 5x years simply by taking 6-7x classes each semester versus the standard 5x classes. Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with Distinction and a Bachelor of Education with distinction were the degrees I earned. As per my Masters, most are expected to be completed within 2-3 years in Canada. Most Rehabilitation Medicine masters programs across the country are 2x years (Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Physical Therapy). I completed the later earning a Masters of Science in Physical Therapy. Each province only has one University that offers these programs so no, it wasn’t some two-bit program and licensing is regulated Nationally for the public’s interest. These programs complete 4x years of schooling in two years simply by running all four terms within those two years with 6-9x classes per term.

So yes 5+2 = 7 (two degrees and a master’s). Where did the “+” come from? Military College classes taken as Officer development.

And your right ~20-40% of tuition is covered, because as stated Canada is a socialist country. However, I never did accept a government or bank student loan, as I paid for my own tuition by working honest blue collar jobs versus taking the “fun jobs” of my peers. For this I am proud of as I wasn’t a burden on the tax payer and actually paid taxes as a student.

Haha, there you go again making grand assumptions. Lacking knowledge of firearm's and Canadian history? No idea where you pulled that one from. LOL you took some of the easiest programs in university, fucking Kinesiology and Education are a joke. That's what gym teachers take. The reason you were able to take so many classes at once is because the were easy. What are these "fun jobs" your peers took? You still took government stiffens for Berta oil, and don't you even try to deny that.

I think you need to apologies to everyone for making a grand a$$ of yourself.
Haha, there you go again making grand assumptions. Lacking knowledge of firearm's and Canadian history? No idea where you pulled that one from. LOL you took some of the easiest programs in university, fucking Kinesiology and Education are a joke. That's what gym teachers take. The reason you were able to take so many classes at once is because the were easy. What are these "fun jobs" your peers took? You still took government stiffens for Berta oil, and don't you even try to deny that.

I think you need to apologies to everyone for making a grand a$$ of yourself.

Oh the a$$ is certainly yourself. A senior member Sprat made a joke and you came after him because you couldn't take a joke. I as a senior member simply made an informed comment on how these rifles came to our country and you freaked out!!! Simply because you couldn't come to terms with the fact that you live in a socialist country and to be specific the most socialist and far left province in the entire country. Dear junior member, your a silly little Troll living in the shadow of mountains.

Your lack of firearm knowledge is FACT:
1. You didn't know that we acquired VOPO rifles by being cozy and friendly with socialists and communists;
2. You didn't know that we imported druganovs by being cozy and friendly with socialists and communists;
3. You didn't know that with the right paper work you could still purchase a druganov to this day;
4. You probably didn't know that three AK platforms are still non-restricted; and
5. You probably didn't know that the reason we have so many CHICOM and East Bloc rifles is because we continue to be cozy and friendly with socialists and communist.

As far as education, you haven't told us a thing about yourself, which I find interesting. The only thing you have shared is ignorance, your hatred for oil, your profound love for socialism and that you don't care about Berta bois or American jobs.

Your right...I have made sum assumptions, but when I imagine what you look like, I imagine an overweight 30 something, working at home during the pandemic in his parents basement. Maybe you have another CERB cheque on the way!!!

Why do you hate Berta so much? Did some girl give you an STI at the Calgary Stampede one year? Herpes perhaps? I simply ask because your annoying and keep coming back.
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Oh the a$$ is certainly yourself. A senior member Sprat made a joke and you came after him because you couldn't take a joke. I as a senior member simply made an informed comment on how these rifles came to our country and you freaked out!!! Simply because you couldn't come to terms with the fact that you live in a socialist country and to be specific the most socialist and far left province in the entire country. Dear junior member, your a silly little Troll living in the shadow of mountains.

Your lack of firearm knowledge is FACT:
1. You didn't know that we acquired VOPO rifles by being cozy and friendly with socialists and communists;
2. You didn't know that we imported druganovs by being cozy and friendly with socialists and communists;
3. You didn't know that with the right paper work you could still purchase a druganov to this day;
4. You probably didn't know that three AK platforms are still non-restricted; and
5. You probably didn't know that the reason we have so many CHICOM and East Bloc rifles is because we continue to be cozy and friendly with socialists and communist.

As far as education, you haven't told us a thing about yourself, which I find interesting. The only thing you have shared is ignorance, your hatred for oil, your profound love for socialism and that you don't care about Berta bois or American jobs.

Your right...I have made sum assumptions, but when I imagine what you look like, I imagine an overweight 30 something, working at home during the pandemic in his parents basement. Maybe you have another CERB cheque on the way!!!

Why do you hate Berta so much? Did some girl give you an STI at the Calgary Stampede one year? Herpes perhaps? I simply ask because your annoying and keep coming back.

Made a joke? I guess the bar is so low that spelling a country's name wrong is a joke. Moreover, your a vet, I'd say that is fairly disrespectful even as a joke. I know a few guys in the infantry who get heated over seeing our flag flown upside down by those godless hippies.

You must have gotten into your wife's multivitamins if you think I "freaked out", you called me and our country a commie shithole and I called your bullshit. Moreover, Quebec or Ontario takes the cake for most socialist province. Even you should know that as we end up paying through the nose for their policies.

You don't have your facts right at all. Mainly because you are back at your old habit of assuming things to fit your narrative. Jess, you are like a cookie cutter liberal on the news: "so you mean this?", "so what you are saying is...", or "you did this, so that means...". You are playing a tied act, quite your shite.

1. & 2. Why did we bring in all those guns from those states? Because we wanted them and could own them. I beat those East Germans would have loved to own a G43, but no, big daddy government says NO.
3. I legit said they are prohibited, which connotes you can only own them through grandfather, special designation, or some other exception made when we implemented the classifications of firearms.
4. You named the few exceptions (which I was privy to), and what do we know about exceptions? Exceptions prove the rule.
5. I don't care who we cozy up to. They have cheap guns that I, and others, would gladly own.

Why would I care about American jobs as I live in Canada? Never said I hate oil. There you go again. Truly I am amazed you finished any formal education with such a low level of reading comprehension. I am critiquing Alberta for being a one trick pony and all the Berta bois that bitch about how life isn't fair. Again, I never ever professed a love for socialism.

As for myself, since you never asked until now. I am graduating this spring with approximately a 3.3-3.7 GPA. My degree is a bachelor's of science in Psychology, specializing in bio-neuropsychology and clinical practices. Taking a year off to work and fund my masters. Not 30, not even close. Not fat either, in fact, I am 100% fit. I may not be the varsity athlete of a few years ago but I am by no means unhealthy.

I have a strong dislike for anybody that lack fortitude, have weak character, and would rather bitch and moan then change their situation. The fact the Berta is populated by those people is perhaps pure chance.

That last state is oddly specific, perhaps something a little too personal?

Here's the deal. You are absolutely exhausting and I am ready to move on. This was fun but it has run its course. I will take a hit to my ego and you should too. I will accept an apology from you for calling me communist and for your abhorrent behaviour. Likewise, I will apologies for calling you an idiot, among other colourful language, and what I've said about Alberta.

If you reply with anything else, don't expect me to reply anything further.
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"I will take a hit to my ego and you should too. I will accept an apology from you for calling me communist and for your abhorrent behaviour. Likewise, I will apologies for calling you an idiot, among other colourful language, and what I've said about Alberta." Sauer_Kraut

I apologize for calling you a communist and for being a brut.
"I will take a hit to my ego and you should too. I will accept an apology from you for calling me communist and for your abhorrent behaviour. Likewise, I will apologies for calling you an idiot, among other colourful language, and what I've said about Alberta." Sauer_Kraut

I apologize for calling you a communist and for being a brut.

I apologize for calling you an idiot, among other things, and discounting your educational background. Further, Alberta isn't that bad of a place, its people are hard working and full of determination.
Oh the a$$ is certainly yourself. A senior member Sprat made a joke and you came after him because you couldn't take a joke. I as a senior member simply made an informed comment on how these rifles came to our country and you freaked out!!! Simply because you couldn't come to terms with the fact that you live in a socialist country and to be specific the most socialist and far left province in the entire country. Dear junior member, your a silly little Troll living in the shadow of mountains.

Your lack of firearm knowledge is FACT:
1. You didn't know that we acquired VOPO rifles by being cozy and friendly with socialists and communists;
2. You didn't know that we imported druganovs by being cozy and friendly with socialists and communists;
3. You didn't know that with the right paper work you could still purchase a druganov to this day;
4. You probably didn't know that three AK platforms are still non-restricted; and
5. You probably didn't know that the reason we have so many CHICOM and East Bloc rifles is because we continue to be cozy and friendly with socialists and communist.

As far as education, you haven't told us a thing about yourself, which I find interesting. The only thing you have shared is ignorance, your hatred for oil, your profound love for socialism and that you don't care about Berta bois or American jobs.

Your right...I have made sum assumptions, but when I imagine what you look like, I imagine an overweight 30 something, working at home during the pandemic in his parents basement. Maybe you have another CERB cheque on the way!!!

Why do you hate Berta so much? Did some girl give you an STI at the Calgary Stampede one year? Herpes perhaps? I simply ask because your annoying and keep coming back.
Hi guys! Haven't been on the forum for the last couple of weeks and when I login I see the back and forth between ''reps'' of different Canadian provinces. And what are they discussing? Transfer payments, oil pipelines, SNC, hockey, etc. Looking at all of this I feel sooooo at home. A little bit of Canada in a K98k forum. I even pointed this debate out to my wife (she's from Taiwan) and how lucky she is being married to a Canadian and the kind of debates we have (LOL). BTW, I'm in Montreal (Quebec obviously). Anyway, i have a question to agentcq about point 3 ''with the right paper work you could still purchase a druganov to this day'' Really? How can you pull that off? My PAL is limited to restricted and a small category of prohibited (machine pistol). So how does one go about to get a Dragunov? I used to own one from Marstar (even had it's matching numbered scope!) but that was a long, long time ago. Cheers to all! Phil
This is great.

Reminds me of... see attached.

As for "A little bit of Canada in a K98k forum," historically Kanada has always been a part of Greater Unified Germany!

(Ow! What? What did I say? STOP THAT!!!)


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Hi guys! Haven't been on the forum for the last couple of weeks and when I login I see the back and forth between ''reps'' of different Canadian provinces. And what are they discussing? Transfer payments, oil pipelines, SNC, hockey, etc. Looking at all of this I feel sooooo at home. A little bit of Canada in a K98k forum. I even pointed this debate out to my wife (she's from Taiwan) and how lucky she is being married to a Canadian and the kind of debates we have (LOL). BTW, I'm in Montreal (Quebec obviously). Anyway, i have a question to agentcq about point 3 ''with the right paper work you could still purchase a druganov to this day'' Really? How can you pull that off? My PAL is limited to restricted and a small category of prohibited (machine pistol). So how does one go about to get a Dragunov? I used to own one from Marstar (even had it's matching numbered scope!) but that was a long, long time ago. Cheers to all! Phil

Manufacture License, Dealer License with Prohib status, Museum License, Film License and proper Grandfathered Prohib License with acquisition.
Or a mixture of the above. Problem is generally in most of all the above circumstances the business owns the firearm and not the individual and in only a few circumstances could you still fire it (Manufacture and Film). There is a manufacture in Alberta that has purchased many prohib MG's and they get to fire them to 'test' their metal 'finish/parker'.
This is great.

Reminds me of... see attached.

As for "A little bit of Canada in a K98k forum," historically Kanada has always been a part of Greater Unified Germany!

(Ow! What? What did I say? STOP THAT!!!)

Ha! Ha! I never saw that cartoon but it sure was fun. Things have calmed down considerably since the cartoon was published (2001?) and Quebec separatism has been replaced by alienation of the Western provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan and to some extent Manitoba) hence the appearance of the ''Wexit'' (Western exit like Brexit) phenomena. Quebeckers still remain nationalistic and very attached to their French language but most have realized that they can have these while remaining in Canada or maybe it's just because the we are all getting older and less adventurous? Moreover, the younger generation of Quebeckers are so much more comfortable and fluent in both of the country's two official language that the urge to create a separate all French country no longer has the appeal it once had in the 1970's to 1990's. Just my 2 cents worth and worth exactly that. Phil
Ha! Ha! I never saw that cartoon but it sure was fun. Things have calmed down considerably since the cartoon was published (2001?)

More like 1980 - 1982.

If you liked that, you'll also like the attached.

All collected in a book, "Zany Afternoons" by the late great Bruce McCall, who escaped Canada as a young man. Did cartoons for Playboy, Car and Driver, National Lampoon. Besides working for a Madison Avenue ad agency where he was bitten by a rabid car advertisement.

If anybody wants to buy this, look for the original edition published by Knopf, not the reprint by Barnes & Noble. They "cleaned up" the reprint to make it more politically correct, and eliminated "Stewardesses of the Emerging Nations" which was one of the best gags in the original. ("Dat's WAAAACIST!!! Dat's SEXIST!!!") (40 years later, they haven't emerged yet). His car, airplane, tank, zeppelin, etc. gags contributed to my present warped condition.


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