Reporting East German VOPO reworked K43 + stock questions


Hello to all,

I recently purchased an East German reworked K43 (QVE 45 # 4273e). It is as you would expect for a VOPO rework (sunburst proof + X capture proof, Duofol 2 marked phenolic resin handguard, forced matched, etc.).

This is a BLM rifle so I was a disapointed when I saw that it was resting in a Walther stock (Waffenampt proof 359 on left side of the stock). The original serial number had been ground off the bottom spine of the stock and then renumbered to match 4273 but without a letter. The stamps used were big, say 9mm. There is also a strange marking in the sling cut out. Looks like a ''General Electric'' stylized logo but, of course, it isn't. I wonder what's it's meaning is... Any ideas? See some attached photos.

Now, on with my stock questions. Was this common for the East Germans to reissue their reworked K43's with just about any serviceable G-K43 stock that was hanging around irrespective of the maker? Did the East German's make brand new stocks (which would not have been waffen proofed I would guess) and are such new stocks (providing they exist) common on these reworked rifles?

Thanks in advance for your views.


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Thanks for your submission. I keep a detailed serial number listing on G/K.43’s. Are you sure it’s an “e block” or an “L block”? These two letter codes with BLM can look real similar if your not careful. Could you provide a clearer photo of the serial number letter block?

The “GE” looking stamp in the sling cut out is a normal stamp found in some of these stocks. I have an early G.43 d block that is absolutely correct with that stamp in the sling cut out of the stock. In the new book “Rough Forged-volume 2”, page 172, the author Darrin Weaver writes that this logo is probably a subcontractor logo or trademark. The exact meaning is unknown.

Yes, the E Germans and Russians mixed parts and stocks with these. The same as they did with “dipped” P.38’s.
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Thanks for your submission. I keep a detailed serial number listing on G/K.43’s. Are you sure it’s an “e block” or an “L block”? These two letter codes with BLM can look real similar if your not careful. Could you provide a clearer photo of the serial number letter block?

The “GE” looking stamp in the sling cut out is a normal stamp found in some of these stocks. I have an early G.43 d block that is absolutely correct with that stamp in the sling cut out of the stock. In the new book “Rough Forged-volume 2”, page 172, the author Darrin Weaver writes that this logo is probably a subcontractor logo or trademark. The exact meaning is unknown.

Yes, the E Germans and Russians mixed parts and stocks with these. The same as they did with “dipped” P.38’s.


Judging by the table of script letters in Hitler's Garrands (page 125) I would guess with 95% certainty that it is an ''e'' block QVE 45. I went back to the two photos I took of the receiver and tried to make them clearer. Have a look and let me know what you think. If these photos are not good enough I can pull the rifle out of the safe and try to get better ones. Thanks also for your other info. Just wish the GDR had put a 214 proofed stock with my QVE rather than a Walther one but at the time they certainly didn't have in mind collector fetishes


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Okay, I can see it better for some reason now. It’s an “e block”. Since they mixed and matched things up, the Walther stock is just fine with this one. It’s a good example of what they were doing.
Darrin once said to me "anything goes with VoPo rifles". There is a pretty large variation in how the rifles/stocks were marked, numbered etc. and as mentioned MM parts are common - generally forced matched.
Darrin once said to me "anything goes with VoPo rifles". There is a pretty large variation in how the rifles/stocks were marked, numbered etc. and as mentioned MM parts are common - generally forced matched.

I find these VOPO reworked K43's quite interesting as they ''served'' under two regimes (3rd Reich and it's ''Eastern'' successor). Thanks for the info.
I find these VOPO reworked K43's quite interesting as they ''served'' under two regimes (3rd Reich and it's ''Eastern'' successor). Thanks for the info.

I agree. I think they are really interesting and I’d gladly add one to my own modest grouping if I were to find a nice one.

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a east german k/G-43 found in kanada shocking

nice example

I wouldn't say its socking, granted K/G-43s are rare enough up here, VOPOs are no more rarer then a mismatch. The rarest would be an all matching untouched rifle, but that's same story as you guys in the south. Also, its Canada, with a C and not a K.
lets see you have no sense of humor

if you were in the collecting hobbies just before and after the wall came down, you would have KNOWN that a vast majority or the east German K/G-43's went to our neighbors to the north. as did the SVTs and draganov's etc

I made numerous visits to SARCO when in NJ, to go over the east german inventory circa 1990-95. As a longtime East German firearms collector, I was in a kid in the candy store.

I had a lot more to say about this rifle, but most was covered by the G/K-43 aficionados

its a nice representative piece of the post war era

stay warm
Lol - I don't think they got it for sure.

Kanada is the German spelling, with a 'K' versus the english Canada, with a 'C'.

VOPO G/K43's represent I would say 90% + of these rifles in Canada, if not higher. Very few came into the USA hence why Darrin listed them as 'scarce' in his first book as he looked at the availability from an American stand point. Where in Kanada ;) I would list them as un-common and an all matching un-touched example would be 'rare'. Finding a G/K43 in Canada isn't easy but over 9/10 will be a VOPO.

I have discussed this before, but this comes largely from the souvenir rules. Near the end of the war USGI’s were allowed to document and bring back or ship back long rifles. As a result the USA is filled with many examples of nice Japanese and German long rifles. Canadians did not have a ‘bring back’ rule and simply smuggled home handguns and pistols. Prior to the 1990’s when the P08 was made prohibited, some of the nicest examples of bring back pistols were to be found in Canada. Many have since been exported or destroyed.

As per the VOPO’s, Canada simply had the opportunity to import more of them as our government and country is sadly Socialist.

lets see you have no sense of humor

if you were in the collecting hobbies just before and after the wall came down, you would have KNOWN that a vast majority or the east German K/G-43's went to our neighbors to the north. as did the SVTs and draganov's etc

I made numerous visits to SARCO when in NJ, to go over the east german inventory circa 1990-95. As a longtime East German firearms collector, I was in a kid in the candy store.

I had a lot more to say about this rifle, but most was covered by the G/K-43 aficionados

its a nice representative piece of the post war era

stay warm
lets see you have no sense of humor

I guess it's the German in me

if you were in the collecting hobbies just before and after the wall came down, you would have KNOWN that a vast majority or the east German K/G-43's went to our neighbors to the north. as did the SVTs and draganov's etc

You can't own dragunovs in Canada, as they are an AK variant.

Lol - I don't think they got it for sure.

Kanada is the German spelling, with a 'K' versus the english Canada, with a 'C'.

That is very cool, we could speak German if you'd like. The spelling is still a C in English, which is the language we are currently using. Sure I am being pedantic, but this is my country, atleast spell it right.

As per the VOPO’s, Canada simply had the opportunity to import more of them as our government and country is sadly Socialist.

Our country is socialist? News to me.
I think any state with Free Health Care that won't allow private health care is pretty socialist.

Especially when the Feds want to provide subsidized childcare and Pharmacare - which to me sounds pretty commie.

We also have a Prime Minister that thinks of Castro as his Uncle and praises Communist China - that also makes us pretty 'red' sadly.

CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Network Radio and TV paid for by the Government - smells pretty 'Red'.

If you want to get technical look at any Political Science diagram on where the Libs, Greens and NDP fall they are far on the left and the Conservatives are relatively center not even right.

Overall, it all smells like a socialist commie f*ck fest!!!!

Dragunovs were allowed for import into the country in the 1980's and 1990's as they were not prohibited then and Grandfathered owners still have them. Heck as a business or a museum you can still purchase one from Marstar Canada. They were semi-automatic and permitted for import, it was only in the early 1990's that the AK platform become prohibited. Unless you own a Finnish Valmet Hunter or M78 and then you are okay as some Libs had buddies that had them so they made an exception. Socialist Cronyism at its best!!!

I guess it's the German in me

You can't own dragunovs in Canada, as they are an AK variant.

That is very cool, we could speak German if you'd like. The spelling is still a C in English, which is the language we are currently using. Sure I am being pedantic, but this is my country, atleast spell it right.

Our country is socialist? News to me.
I think any state with Free Health Care that won't allow private health care is pretty socialist.

Especially when the Feds want to provide subsidized childcare and Pharmacare - which to me sounds pretty commie.

We also have a Prime Minister that thinks of Castro as his Uncle and praises Communist China - that also makes us pretty 'red' sadly.

CBC - Canadian Broadcasting Network Radio and TV paid for by the Government - smells pretty 'Red'.

If you want to get technical look at any Political Science diagram on where the Libs, Greens and NDP fall they are far on the left and the Conservatives are relatively center not even right.

"Free" is a misconception, we pay for it through taxes. On that point, public is generally cheaper then private health care. Moreover, I don't mind paying for a fellow Canadian's care now knowing that one day I might also need there help for my medical. Subsidized childcare and pharma are defiantly options, both could help the average Canadian. Though I wouldn't call that commie, as its not like the people own the pharma or daycare companies. I am not going to defend Trudeau, like most politicians he is a soulless hack. Again, we pay for the CBC and one of it purposes is to provide Canadian made content for Canadians. That smells pretty nationalistic. Moreover, its not like commie China, you have more then the CBC for news and media.

If you want to get technical, every political party is in flux every time they elect a new leader. NDP, for sure they are left. But the Greens? Not this time, they ended up just left of center. Libs, left center. The Cons, center right, thought they almost ended up purely right.

Overall, it all smells like a socialist commie f*ck fest!!!!

Communist? Hardly, workers don't own the factories. Companies hold rights to their own products. We still have homeless people. People have to buy their own houses, and you can own more then one. Live where you want. Call the government shite and defame politicians without fear of punishment. Hell, most of our land is crown land "owned" by a MONARCH in a different country. Socialist? Sure, but we are by no means communist. Honestly, are having socialist policy and programs that benefit all Canadians a bad thing? I don't think so.

Dragunovs were allowed for import into the country in the 1980's and 1990's as they were not prohibited then and Grandfathered owners still have them. Heck as a business or a museum you can still purchase one from Marstar Canada. They were semi-automatic and permitted for import, it was only in the early 1990's that the AK platform become prohibited. Unless you own a Finnish Valmet Hunter or M78 and then you are okay as some Libs had buddies that had them so they made an exception. Socialist Cronyism at its best!!!

Lol, and Trump didn't hire his family members for white house positions? Doesn't matter whether you are Lib or Con, politicians are not worth their weight in salt.

Arguments proved my point.

I wouldn't doubt if this member lives in Ontario or Quebec and loves Albertan transfer payments that subsidize their Health Care while Albertans are only marginally represented in the Senate and House of Commons (especially when you look at seats/representatives 'per capita'). The cancelation of the Key Stone pipeline by Biden and poor representation by our Federal government in this decision is key - Confederation has failed. Just examine how Central and Eastern businesses like Bombardier and SNC receive boat loads of money from the feds, this just fuels Western Alienation.

With any luck if the next election goes poorly, the province of Alberta will have the guts to separate (#Wexit). We can call ourselves New Canada ;)

Arguments proved my point.

I wouldn't doubt if this member lives in Ontario or Quebec and loves Albertan transfer payments that subsidize their Health Care while Albertans are only marginally represented in the Senate and House of Commons (especially when you look at seats/representatives 'per capita'). The cancelation of the Key Stone pipeline by Biden and poor representation by our Federal government in this decision is key - Confederation has failed. Just examine how Central and Eastern businesses like Bombardier and SNC receive boat loads of money from the feds, this just fuels Western Alienation.

With any luck if the next election goes poorly, the province of Alberta will have the guts to separate (#Wexit). We can call ourselves New Canada ;)

Buddy I am west coast. Proved your point? What was your point? Yeah I love being in BC when the election is already called before our votes are counted, forget representation. Ha, I hope Berta bois enjoy BC's handouts every time oil fails, and it does because you guys failed to diversify your economy. Nobody wants your gross, heavy, sandy oil when the Saudis have new wells popping up. I am glad Key Stone is gone, waste of time, money, and effort. You'd leave cause nobody likes you? How about election reform? Or is that to commie for you? I am so tied of hearing you Berta bois bitch and complain about how things aren't fair, go and make a difference.

You are a Commie who believes the propaganda against Alberta Oil propagated by outside influences - keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

Our oil may be dirty, but at least we follow stringent environmental laws and protect workers. The Saudi Oil is ethically dirty and funds terrorism against the West. Let alone the environmental cost of putting the oil on a boat and bringing it across the ocean, let alone if a tanker has a leak.

Alberta has never received a transfer payment in history. That is why the Libs, NDP and Green want the transfer payments changed as Alberta might finally qualify for one.

BC is a bunch of Pipeline blockers - which goes against Confederation.

As per election reform, it was idiots in BC that helped elect an idiot Prime Minister a majority as they wanted Legal Pot and he promised Electoral Reform which never came. Alberta has been pushing Electoral and Senate reform since the 1980's.

Have fund in "Toronto West", "Seattle North", "Little India" or "Little China".

Keep dreaming of how the electric vehicle will work in cold weather and how your iPhone and computer can be made without oil produced plastics. Do you know wind turbines take more energy to make (oil based energy) than they actually produce in their 10-15 year timeline and that solar panels are made from oil and other toxic substances.

Obviously you aren't so bright as you think the Greens aren't Radical LEFTS (Just watch or read Red Dawn and look at their Fiscal Policies) and keep living in a Utopian Pipe dream.

And when talking about Key Stone, why don't you apologize to the 20,000 Canadians and 40,000 Americans who will now be un-employed.

Hopefully Alberta will separate and we can tax the shite out of your rail products as they travel to the East!!

Go eat some Tofu and Sushi for breakfast or maybe avocado toast (because it doesn't take oil to get those transported here and the Great Avacado Fields of Saskatchewan are booming!) and wash it down with a Starbucks. While doing so you can remember the last time the Vancouver Canucks won the Stanely Cup or maybe enjoy a Ted Talk by Greta? While doing so remember that the Vancouver and Lower Mainland economies are mostly booming due to laundered money from China and India. At least we have affordable houses in the rest of Canada.

To my American Friends, I apologize for this Canadians ignorance. It is poison like his that is an affront to democracy and free market economies. In typical Canadian fashion "I'm sorry" for wasting everyone else's time and "I'm sorry" that this member is a Political Idiot far left of Biden and Mr. Sanders. Let alone his poor knowledge in relation with the classification and history of Firearms in Canada.

Finally a "I'm Sorry" to Sauer_Kraut "Life is tough, it is even tougher if your stupid" Clint Eastwood.
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You are a Commie who believes the propaganda against Alberta Oil propagated by outside influences - keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

Our oil may be dirty, but at least we follow stringent environmental laws and protect workers. The Saudi Oil is ethically dirty and funds terrorism against the West. Let alone the environmental cost of putting the oil on a boat and bringing it across the ocean, let alone if a tanker has a leak.

Alberta has never received a transfer payment in history. That is why the Libs, NDP and Green want the transfer payments changed as Alberta might finally qualify for one.

BC is a bunch of Pipeline blockers - which goes against Confederation.

As per election reform, it was idiots in BC that helped elect an idiot Prime Minister a majority as they wanted Legal Pot and he promised Electoral Reform which never came. Alberta has been pushing Electoral and Senate reform since the 1980's.

Have fund in "Toronto West", "Seattle North", "Little India" or "Little China".

Keep dreaming of how the electric vehicle will work in cold weather and how your iPhone and computer can be made without oil produced plastics. Do you know wind turbines take more energy to make (oil based energy) than they actually produce in their 10-15 year timeline and that solar panels are made from oil and other toxic substances.

Obviously you aren't so bright as you think the Greens aren't Radical LEFTS (Just watch or read Red Dawn and look at their Fiscal Policies) and keep living in a Utopian Pipe dream.

And when talking about Key Stone, why don't you apologize to the 20,000 Canadians and 40,000 Americans who will now be un-employed.

Hopefully Alberta will separate and we can tax the shite out of your rail products as they travel to the East!!

Go eat some Tofu and Sushi for breakfast or maybe avocado toast (because it doesn't take oil to get those transported here and the Great Avacado Fields of Saskatchewan are booming!) and wash it down with a Starbucks. While doing so you can remember the last time the Vancouver Canucks won the Stanely Cup or maybe enjoy a Ted Talk by Greta? While doing so remember that the Vancouver and Lower Mainland economies are mostly booming due to laundered money from China and India. At least we have affordable houses in the rest of Canada.

To my American Friends, I apologize for this Canadians ignorance. It is poison like his that is an affront to democracy and free market economies. In typical Canadian fashion "I'm sorry" for wasting everyone else's time and "I'm sorry" that this member is a Political Idiot far left of Biden and Mr. Sanders. Let alone his poor knowledge in relation with the classification and history of Firearms in Canada.

Finally a "I'm Sorry" to Sauer_Kraut "Life is tough, it is even tougher if your stupid" Clint Eastwood.

Buddy boi, clearly I struck a cord and you are fairly heated, settle down. HA, what are you? Some liberal soft hand calling me a commie? That is no better then those libs calling someone a nazi to shut down their conversation. Propaganda about your oil? Its failing, even a blind man could see that. LOL get a grip on reality.

This just in, I don't control what the Saudis do with their oil, personal ethics don't plan into global economies. So, you are preaching to the choir on that one bud.

I bet you are still salty that the government doesn't send you little bow wrapped stiffens anymore because your oil was doing so good in the past. Sounds like you are a dirty commie accepting government money for being a good little boi. Or did you burn the evil gov money?

Pipeline block = BC is against confederation. Listen, and this might be a shock to you but, there are more then two provinces who are in confederation. If you read my last post, BC didn't do anything to help elect Justin, as our votes count less then yours.

Have fun in you shithole of a province.

Yeah, I know plastics are made from oil. Like, who doesn't? You are such a topical Berta boi: a fucking idiot.

Don't have to apologizes as I didn't promise or take their job away.

If you separate, BC can tax the shite out of your oil, and if you don't pay you turn into an even bigger shithole as you have nothing else. At least the French had a back bone and kidnaped foreign dignitaries and blew up mail boxes.

I hate Tofu, sushi, avocado, and Starbucks, but nice ad hominem. Also, I don't watch Hockey, and before you go on a tirade, firearms are more popular then hockey. Greta is an uneducated speaker, much like yourself. Hell I'd be surprised if you even finished high school.

You can afford house because you don't pay tax and you live in a frozen waste land.

You are just salty your province isn't great anymore.

You have to stop assuming things, not only are you wrong, you also look like a complete a$$. I'm far left? News to me. Also Biden is politically aligned more with the cons then the libs.

Nice edgy quote at the end, it really shows how I'm dumb.
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Listen A__hole

I served as an Officer in the RCAF for almost a decade.
I have worked in a hospital throughout this pandemic as a frontline worker and medical provider and I have done more for my country and fellow Canadians since March than you have in your lifetime.
I have also provided and contributed more information regarding German firearms to this forum, to Mr. Weaver and to Claus over the last 10x years than you likely could in a lifetime.
I do have a High School degree believe it or not, but I also have two bachelor degrees with distinction and a Masters of Science in a program that requires a 3.7/4 average just to get an interview. Despite having over 7+ years of University education, I still like to shoot guns. Alberta is a lovely province with some of the best hunting in the world. The province has the highest rate of volunteerism per capita in the country, as we actually give a shite about our neighbors. It is also the most conservative and right wing province in Confederation and as Kenny points out the freest and least taxed province in the country that not long ago had zero provincial debt.

BC seats helped JT to a majority his first sitting and allowed him to hold a minority his second sitting.

Oil is only failing in Alberta as it is landlocked due to fucktards like you! People who can't see the big picture and realize that pipelines are safer than transporting oil by rail. It is failing as people without common sense don't realize that a project like the Key Stone would benefit America, Canada and Alberta. The whole dirty oil myth is propaganda supported and sponsored by the People's Republic of China, the Saudi's and some American interests that like to purchase an unrefined product at a discount price. Oil is failing as provinces like BC block pipelines and in return doesn't allow us to export oil to additional markets, as people like you don't realize those profits are shared amongst all Canadians.

If you don't want our oil, we should stop selling you our natural gas and your houses can be cold and your showers as well - that might help you wake up to reality.

For someone who is a NEWB member and praising Biden and stating that he is a conservative shows how you don't understand how to judge context and you have already shown you don't understand sarcasm.

And talking about patriotism - if you don't like hockey your likely a Pinko and not a true Canadian. Likely a European import who brings his European values here and their visor.

Buddy boi, clearly I struck a cord and you are fairly heated, settle down. HA, what are you? Some liberal soft hand calling me a commie? That is no better then those libs calling someone a nazi to shut down their conversation. Propaganda about your oil? Its failing, even a blind man could see that. LOL get a grip on reality.

This just in, I don't control what the Saudis do with their oil, personal ethics don't plan into global economies. So, you are preaching to the choir on that one bud.

I bet you are still salty that the government doesn't send you little bow wrapped stiffens because your oil was doing so good in the past. Sounds like you are a dirty commie accepting government money for being a good little boi. Or did you burn the evil gov money?

Pipeline block = BC is against confederation. Listen, and this might be a shock to you but, there are more then two provinces who are in confederation. If you read my last post, BC didn't do anything to help elect Justin, as our votes count less then yours.

Have fun in you shithole of a province.

Yeah, I know plastics are made from oil. Like, who doesn't? You are such a topical Berta boi: a fucking idiot.

Don't have to apologizes as I didn't promise or take their job away.

If you separate, BC can tax the shite out of your oil, and if you don't pay you turn into an even bigger shithole as you have nothing else. At least the French had a back done and kidnaped foreign dignitaries and blow up mail boxes.

I hate Tofu, sushi, avocado, and Starbucks, but nice ad hominem. Also, I don't watch Hockey, and before you go on a tirade, firearms are more popular then hockey. Greta is an uneducated speaker, much like yourself. Hell I'd be surprised if you even finished high school.

You can afford house because you don't pay tax and you live in a frozen waste land.

You are just salty your province isn't great anymore.

You have to stop assuming things, not only are you wrong, you also look like a complete a$$. I'm far left? News to me. Also Biden is politically aligned more with the cons then the libs.

Nice edgy count at the end, it really shows how I'm dumb.