Thanks for all the comments. Varget powder is like $400 for 8 pounds. 900 (one case of corrosive yugo) yields 900*42/7000 = 5.4, so it's like $250 worth of powder in there. Plus 900 bullets.
Reloading supplies have exploded (pun intended) in price. 900 bullets is worth about $400!
And how much does the gun you’re shooting it out of cost?
By all means pull and reuse the bullets, but frankly dodgy powder just isn’t worth bothering with. Pat has a good methodology if you really insist on it, but note that this is a lot more complicated and involves a lot more equipment (you do have a chrono, right?) than just pulling and averaging loads.
I’ve said it before but even expensive reloading components are cheap compared to guns, and even expensive guns cost nothing compared to a hospital bill.
I’ve personally had old 8mm Mauser (50s Yugo) fail in a bad way and teach me exciting lessons about how the 98 action handles bad failures and gas rapidly going places it shouldn’t. That would have likely been a very bad day if I’d been shooting a Gew88. I’ve also seen, first hand, what a bad reload can do to a gun and a person. That was luckily a first aid kit moment rather than an ambulance moment, but he still needed stitches (pistol blew apart, likely a double charge).
I dont care to mix those two things. Maybe I’m being overly cautious but a few hundred bucks in mystery powder isn’t worth it to me.
A blanket 'Yes' or 'No' on reloading surplus powder is too sweeping. There are way too many factors to consider, usually the most decisive of which is storage conditions. By that I mean the storage conditions it was subject to before it got to you. Here are the general rules:
This is the big thing that gives me pause when most people talk about this. If the ammo is already good and was stored well and is in good shape, people tend to just shoot it as is. They’re rarely talking about rebuilding Greek HXP or Swiss 7.5, its usually some random third world or ex-communist country’s ammo from the 50s-70s.
Once upon a time you could buy surplus US Govt powder cheap. Was equivalent-ish H335 I believe. I’d happily buy and shoot that mostly because I’m pretty OK with how the US government stores its ammo.
Some random stash of ammo that a post-Soviet country was selling off in the 90s to make a buck and sat in an importers warehouse in god knows what conditions for who knows how long? Way less confident.
Again, if it was stored right in the first place it probably wouldn’t need rebuilding.