Reichsmarine Simson Gew.98b to Gew.98


Senior Member
Well, since I recently already have purchased a Reichsmarine Simson 98b, this is now the second, and at that even better. I've had it in hands a few time, but finally pulled the trigger and bought it off the lifetime collection from someone. It is a truly remarkable rifle for another reason - the receiver is Gew.98b marked on the side wall, but with the b being X-ed out. While this is something even mentioned in Vol. I, the reasons so far remained a mystery. This rifle clearly answers why - because it comes with the matching numbers straight bolt handle. And Germans being Germans therefore "degrading" the rifle from Gew.98b status "back" to Gew.98 status. What I though do not know (and would highly appreciate others opinions), is the matching bolt probably an arsenal or depot repair job? The heel of the stock is also repaired and since the matching numbers on the stock is stamped deeper than the other stamps I thought it may had been repaired and the replacement bolt - for whatever reason - may have had a straight handle, and as a result to this they therefore also X-ed out the b of the model designation?

Anyway, what got me to buy it was not only the fact that it is all matching numbers, but for the icing on the cake also having the original Reichsmarine sling which has the matching Ostsee number, so the sling is also matching to the rifle. At that I took it as a once in a lifetime opportunity to own something that basically can't be upgraded, and therefore took it home with me, despite the high price the owner was asking.

Took 20 pictures, if there is something more anyone wants to see I can try to do that too. I did check, the handguard on the inside matches numbers. Yet have to do the same for the stock.

Also, can anyone tell me which year this rifle was made? Thanks!

Sure Bruce. Happy to provide anything for Vol. IV. Are the pictures fine or do you need anything else? I assume you want the maximum resolution. Let me know which ones and I'll provide them to you as usual with a Google Drive link.
Wonderful rifle!!! I noticed that my Gew98b has a bent handle but lacks the "S" (for Simson?) stamp.

Georg, send over high res and I will adapt as needed in InDesign.

Congrats on getting such a unique RM rework. That's a fascinating rifle, interesting as to how it got reverted back to a Gew 98 with the Reichsmarine. I thought e block Simson rifles would date to about 1928-1929.
This is in the RM range and all that are stock matching are Gew.98 config. which suggest a unique pattern, that this is also the range Gew.98b SR is only used (often x'd out, but not always) and the fact almost all with original stocks carry RM unit marks of RM acceptance suggests these were made for the RM in a special run.

ScottB owned two such rifles and are the finest examples known to me, limited photos (as typical of SB secrecy which is why the earlier discussion here I made only oblique mentions of them).

The known range (solid block or group) is 557x/e through 600x/e with no known intermingling; which as before and discussions with SB and CB suggest a special contract, I still believe this range was "thee" RM range (the one or two otherwise attributable to RM service seem to be retreads).

***As to when, very late 20's probably, fits with RM spending and the first determined rearming for the RM. (Mod.98 SR is attributed to August 1930, that began with or between (or after) Mod.98 is 6446/f through to the end (9482/f) though one g-block may exist (pictures leave some doubt)