Rebuilding my Mauser K98k collection

Traded away three Mausers to complete my WW2 collection of rifles. I just need a Nambu pistol to complete the sidearm part of the collection.

1939 K98 matched Sauer. Have a 98M and three other K's less the dou43 I'm selling
1936 Lion Crest VZ24, matched, German modified
Spring 1943 matched including dust cover Nagoya T99 no mum, chrome, AA, pod. Came with original Kokura bayonet scabbard and frog, 29x33 good luck Yogesgaki Hinomaru that I'm trying to return through the Boston Japanese consulate, 30 rounds ammo and dies
1918 Roma Carcano Fucil 1927 Terni modified T1 Moschetto
1933 M91/30 matched, bayonet, 255 rounds 1991 Hungarian ammo
May 1944 Winchester M1 Garand, Danish return. Have a 1943 NPM M1 carbine as well.
1943 Savage Enfield No. 4 Mk. 1*, FTR Savage metal, Canadian and British wood

1940 Enfield No. 2 Mk. 1*, 1954 FTR
1939 Nagant revolver, post war refurbished
July 1943 USN S/W Victory .38 special revolver
1917 Colt M1911, WW1 save small "G" Colt replacement barrel 1937-1942
January 44 Walther 44 Vet rig, matched
1917 Erfurt P08, MG Company, 122nd Wurttemburg Landwehr
Nambu TBD


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Traded away three Mausers to complete my WW2 collection of rifles. I just need a Nambu pistol to complete the sidearm part of the collection.

1939 K98 matched Sauer. Have a 98M and three other K's less the dou43 I'm selling
1936 Lion Crest VZ24, matched, German modified
Spring 1943 matched including dust cover Nagoya T99 no mum, chrome, AA, pod. Came with original Kokura bayonet scabbard and frog, 29x33 good luck Yogesgaki Hinomaru that I'm trying to return through the Boston Japanese consulate, 30 rounds ammo and dies
1918 Roma Carcano Fucil 1927 Terni modified T1 Moschetto
1933 M91/30 matched, bayonet, 255 rounds 1991 Hungarian ammo
May 1944 Winchester M1 Garand, Danish return. Have a 1943 NPM M1 carbine as well.
1943 Savage Enfield No. 4 Mk. 1*, FTR Savage metal, Canadian and British wood

1940 Enfield No. 2 Mk. 1*, 1954 FTR
1939 Nagant revolver, post war refurbished
July 1943 USN S/W Victory .38 special revolver
1917 Colt M1911, WW1 save small "G" Colt replacement barrel 1937-1942
January 44 Walther 44 Vet rig, matched
1917 Erfurt P08, MG Company, 122nd Wurttemburg Landwehr
Nambu TBD
Very nice!