Third Party Press

Rare Mauser owned by Heydrich

Maybe Craig Gottlieb?

I'm sure he can find more paperwork to verify that this is Heydrich's rifle, I mean, he found Mengele's passport :googlie

Odds are good he would win again if the election were to occur today...the vast majority of people are rather irresponsible, to put it mildly, many are mere animals, and it has always been so, which is why "democracy" has never worked and it was not designed into our Constitutional Republic when founded, - as Alexander Hamilton said many times, in sentiment as well in fact, the people are a great beast... you can not put great trust in the masses, the herd, and most have no business voting, back in the early 19th Century or especially today... all one need do is look at England since 1834 to see the consequences, or our country today for that matter.

As for this dimwit and his rifle, if i am not mistaken, Göring was Hitler's successor, - though had it come to it, it wouldn't have surprised me if Himmler would have taken the slot, though ultimately it would have been up to the Army, - well at least up to 1944. Even when Hitler died, Dönitz was chosen, though I am not sure exactly when Himmler screwed the pooch late in the war (seeking peace with the west, Göring too got shitcanned for similar reasons) and found the displeasure of Hitler, which might have forced this decision.

Anyway, anyone gets caught buying that rifle deserves getting stuck with it... though I suspect any bidder would be a prankster.

The obvious answer is yes, remember Obama got elected TWICE.
Had Reinhard Heydrich lived, I suspect he would have been on a very, very short list to be Führer. He had the goods on many a NAZI, much like J. Edgar Hoover did on American politicians. He was also exceedingly bright, ambitious and absolutely ruthless.

Yes, I believe it was Lochner that said he was the most sinister personalities he met... and he met them all at one time or another, interviewed Hitler twice, Ernst Röhm (who he seemed to have respect for, saying he was very frank and honest in discussions, I guess he wasn't afraid or ashamed of who he was, - a monster), Hess, Göbbels etc.. I do not remember the exact words, but he said the man was cold, unemotional and analytical. No question he was ruthless monster, - I believe Lochner said he had a photographic memory also, he remember even small, inconsequential events from long ago.
I wonder if Gottlieb practices those expressions in a mirror before a show? The man is ridiculous... I saw a couple tv clips with him in them, as some expert on German hardware, - my wife asked me if I knew him, as he was supposedly an expert... the guy is a something to watch in front of a camera. Struts around like ole Adolf himself...

I'm sure he can find more paperwork to verify that this is Heydrich's rifle, I mean, he found Mengele's passport :googlie

Yes, I believe it was Lochner that said he was the most sinister personalities he met... and he met them all at one time or another, interviewed Hitler twice, Ernst Röhm (who he seemed to have respect for, saying he was very frank and honest in discussions, I guess he wasn't afraid or ashamed of who he was, - a monster), Hess, Göbbels etc.. I do not remember the exact words, but he said the man was cold, unemotional and analytical. No question he was ruthless monster, - I believe Lochner said he had a photographic memory also, he remember even small, inconsequential events from long ago.

I found this:

Heydrich described: Louis P Lochner, the Associated Press journalist, recalled years later that his voice struck him as the most coldly impersonal one that he had ever heard. 'He could speak of torture and extortion of confessions in a most matter of fact way, and his face remained immobile and unemotional.' But this is what history would expect a journalist to write of Heydrich, the policeman's policeman. He had the iron nerve never to bat an eyelid when the duelling blade flashed across his face. 'When I was in his presence,' continued Lochner, 'I always had the feeling that he was analyzing or dissecting each one of us and trying to find a vulnerable point where he might come up with an excuse for an arrest.'

I wonder if Gottlieb practices those expressions in a mirror before a show? The man is ridiculous... I saw a couple tv clips with him in them, as some expert on German hardware, - my wife asked me if I knew him, as he was supposedly an expert... the guy is a something to watch in front of a camera. Struts around like ole Adolf himself...

He definitely has a high opinion of himself and it shows. Saw him at the SOS last year, or was it the year before. Olivia with all the tattoos was there too. She looked better in person. He looked like one would expect.
He definitely has a high opinion of himself and it shows. Saw him at the SOS last year, or was it the year before. Olivia with all the tattoos was there too. She looked better in person. He looked like one would expect.

Yes an Arrogant & Egotistical a$$ . I believe thats why he and one other self professed expert can not stand each other . I will state no names of the other but a few here will know exactly whom I refer too . I find it kinda humorous in a way, that people like this can`t see how foolish and small they look with a pompous and inflated ego of themselves . Best Regards .
You know this rifle remands me of my British enfield rifle I owned. Bought it off a guy who said it was Winston Churchill personal rifle who know really rare worth thousands lol. So rare I only paid $175 for it need paperwork to back the story up.
Oh my goodness two bidders have bid on this rifle. Really are people this stupid? Really, if you pay money for this pimp up gun then I don't feel sorry for you getting burn.
I love the fact that Herr Gottlieb is such a self important douchebag, he rides around on a Segway....I assume everyone else just walks like normal human beings?
Odds are good he would win again if the election were to occur today...the vast majority of people are rather irresponsible, to put it mildly, many are mere animals, and it has always been so, which is why "democracy" has never worked and it was not designed into our Constitutional Republic when founded, - as Alexander Hamilton said many times, in sentiment as well in fact, the people are a great beast... you can not put great trust in the masses, the herd, and most have no business voting, back in the early 19th Century or especially today... all one need do is look at England since 1834 to see the consequences, or our country today for that matter.

As for this dimwit and his rifle, if i am not mistaken, Göring was Hitler's successor, - though had it come to it, it wouldn't have surprised me if Himmler would have taken the slot, though ultimately it would have been up to the Army, - well at least up to 1944. Even when Hitler died, Dönitz was chosen, though I am not sure exactly when Himmler screwed the pooch late in the war (seeking peace with the west, Göring too got shitcanned for similar reasons) and found the displeasure of Hitler, which might have forced this decision.

Anyway, anyone gets caught buying that rifle deserves getting stuck with it... though I suspect any bidder would be a prankster.

Winston Churchill said, "The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter." He also said "Democracy is the worst form of government
except for all the others."
Incredible discovery

Inspired by the recent discovery of Heydrich's rifle, I pulled all butt plates off my rifles but didn't find a lot, other than petrified rust. I was about to give up when my M95 Austrian Navy sniper caught my attention. I bought this rifle long time ago from Pawel Novak who claimed it once belonged to a famous painter from Austria. Long story short, after I pulled off the butt plate, I was as petrified as the rust in the rifle's barrel: There was a note, hand written in neat Sutterlin fonts and signed by the great dictator himself. It reads "Wir sind am Arsch" which means "We are totally screwed", probably in reference to the outcome of Operation Barbarossa. This makes it a late war statement and late war stuff is always worth a lot. What a fantastic find of great historical significance! I will offer it to Craig Gottlieb, maybe I will trade straight up for his Segway.


Military Rifle Journal