The issue is these aren't rare in Mismatched or RC trim. They are rare in original matching condition.
There were less made yes, but they all seem to turn up as RC. I've seen quite a few rare guns in Canada's recent import of Rc, but I don't consider them rare.
Personally I'd go with the best condition, unscrubed parts, less electro pencil, nice stocks, etc etc
Exactly the case, there are a good number of condition rarities, but a meager few that are so rare that they are worth anything as an rc or thorough mismatch.
Although I never recommend buying refinished rifle, especially rc's, which are at best good shooters (obscenely overpriced "refinished shooters", entirely due to hype of a few opportunists on Gunboards and elsewhere...), the only maker-dates that are rare enough to consider a rc is:
BSW/1936 (this is worth picking up in any condition, most BSW are not rare enough to buy rc)
S147k (maybe, low production anyway, most known are rc's)
swjXE (only SDP-bnz that is "rare" and only for its unusual code, 660/1939 are damn tough to find original, but not enough to go rc..)
While there are others that are condition rarities, or that are elusive, no others are rare enough to go "refinished", especially rc refinished (which is poorly refinished AND thorough mismatchers, - AND overpriced, they have it all against them, refinished, thoroughly mismatched and high prices, and propaganda about Stalingrad and Kursk, - and obscene KL connections, do not make up for the triple whammy...)
What about swp 45?
Thank you for all your replies. They are all very informative. Unfortunately. Some countries have very limited access to k98's let alone original matching numbered ones. Australian servicemen weren't allowed to "bring back" weapons. So any opportunity to own a piece of history however fractured. You take. I don't think it's laziness it's "take what you can get".
Canada also has basically no k98k in original trim. I've found a few and imported a few.
I don't think it's wrong to buy a few RC to mess around with and learn, especially if there aren't a lot down there. BUT I wouldn't go looking for special codes.