Are those American helmet nets I can see in the pboto?it's a brilliant picture.
Good eye Deadeye
Are those American helmet nets I can see in the pboto?it's a brilliant picture.
After becoming acquainted with REX-39's work, I am no longer amazed by such camos. I do not doubt that REX could paint you up one very similar to the 'true DAK' example.
As I mentioned previously, the rivets worn to bare metal right next to pristine conditioned sand texture has me concerned.
Talk to REX. He will probably tell you that he sees nothing on that helmet that he could not replicate (starting with a heavily worn original). And if that is the case, then theoretically no camos are a safe bet.
Good eye DeadeyeThe weave on those looks like Tommy nets. All of the earlier US nets were Brit. I don't think the US had an "issue" US made net until late, in mid/late 1944. Those nets could have been captured from US or Commonwealth troops.
A few babies being thrown out with the bathwater M45?
That DAK lid is fine.
and very likely the Norwegian 'skittle' lid...
Funny how well intentioned revolutions often get out of control.
Agreed. This thread used to be good to look at now and then for proper "Questionable camos".... now every one and their aunt is getting posted up as one. GHW being firmly in the firing line - so I take it eBay is awash with all the original camo helmets is it now M45??
Let's leave the personal vendettas out of this and get back on track, if you can.
A few babies being thrown out with the bathwater M45?
That DAK lid is fine.
and very likely the Norwegian 'skittle' lid...
Funny how well intentioned revolutions often get out of control.
I think you're giving REX too much credit.Yes Rex is a very good artist.Yes to the new collectors that could be fooled.
I would say the collector in the game for 10 years or more with a focus on camos could easily tell a Rex job.
I think that you are under-estimating REX camo abilities to fool many more than just new collectors. His work is head and shoulders above most of the clumsy fakes in this thread. And given some time, oxidation, several changes of ownership and some original components installed, those helmets will one day be sold as rare originals. It is an inevitability in this hobby.
Yes, new collectors can tell a REX job AFTER being coached on the issues. It is like the C-SS debacle that fooled so many BEFORE the facts we known. They had us snake-fascinated and drinking their C-SS cool-aid and there was not much anyone could do about it because they consistently pointed to things like: vet association, published in textbooks, decal construction much like Pocher-SS, owned by big-wig collectors, and with COA guaranteed.
After becoming acquainted with REX-39's work, I am no longer amazed by such camos. I do not doubt that REX could paint you up one very similar to the 'true DAK' example.
As I mentioned previously, the rivets worn to bare metal right next to pristine conditioned sand texture has me concerned.
Talk to REX. He will probably tell you that he sees nothing on that helmet that he could not replicate (starting with a heavily worn original). And if that is the case, then theoretically no camos are a safe bet.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion,the one thing about Rex's camos is they all have the same appearance. A textured camo,chemical ageing.
More scrutiny is always a good thing but ther are camos on here posted as questionable that are one lookers.
"One looker" that is dangerous terminology, when I discovered the militaria on-line forums, somewhere around 2006, they were using also the term "flying circus team colours", initially I thought they were being sarcastic about ridiculous fake camo helmets but was I wrong.....
I agree, using the term "one looker" on a camo is foolish frankly. Even people saying the aforementioned DAK is good say an "in hand" is critical to finalize the statements that it's real. So, by saying "one looker" by photos is disingenuous if you need an in hand. K98k rifles have the same problem, some rifles simply can't be evaluated from photos. The good thing is that some digital photography enhances errors on 98k's - for helmets I think digital pictures added to the fact that not ever computer monitor will show a helmet the same way can make the process murky.
I think Brian's discussion of the DAK helmet is relevant - he didn't say it was "bad", the word is "questionable", and he backed up his assertion with points on why he thinks that, and frankly it makes sense. I think he's pointing out things that should concern people trying to decide if a camo is good or bad which in my opinion is helpful. In the end it's a judgement call, and everyone is going to have a different judgement- so you buy what you feel is good.
I bet if a good camo collector went though another collectors helmets he'd find some that he felt were bad no matter how advanced he was.
This is a WW2 German M40 helmet shell. No liner and no decals. The helmet has tan camo paint with brown and green accents applied over feldgrau. The interior is feldgrau. The surface shows wear with numerous scratches and paint chips. There's a small bullet-sized "ding" on the right temple - barely noticeable but there. Shell size is 66 cm. Lot number and maker's mark stamped in the rear of the shell are barely visible, but I believe it to be a Quist. Please scroll down to the pictures, then return to the item description.
This is an authentic WW2 manufactured German helmet, but the painting and aging are newly done. The techniques used on this helmet have taken years to perfect and the results are incredible. This helmet looks absolutely dead-on real whether viewed from across the room, in-hand, or even under a magnifying glass. I guarantee this helmet to be one of the finest repaints available anywhere. Here's your opportunity to own what appears to be a real Normandy camo helmet shell at a fraction of the cost. Also included are a set of washers and split pins that have been painted to match.
To prevent resale of my work as original, the interior is marked as a repaint. The marking will not be visible with a liner installed.
US $450.00
This replica demonstrates definitively IMO that camos can no longer be judged by appearances alone (as they were early in the collecting era prior to fake proliferation). That is why 'gut feelings', 'good feelings', COA paperwork, congered Vet association, big-name collector/dealer association and forum approval are not valid means to determine authenticity.
I guess it depends on who's calling a helmet a " one looker"
The same dangerous terminology could be applied to "questionable" camo.Arent they all depending on who is making the determination?
Any hobby where a decent amount of money is involved is going to be infiltrated by people trying to make a buck.The best we can do is hold every helmet up to scrutiny no matter WHO owns it.
I found this out the hard way a few times,having some doubts about a helmet but dismissing my own doubts because of the previous esteemed collectors that owned them before me.
IMO if a helmet is painted with camo and AGED it's a fake. A painted mark to identify it as such inside is a joke and removed in a few minutes . It's not a restoration (which means it was restored back to it's known original appearance) it a new creation on an original helmet body. The only way these fakes would be acceptable is that they are identified as such in a visible spot with an engraving deeply in the metal. All these fabrications are going to do over the long term is further damage the hobby. FAKE IS FAKE .
IMO if a helmet is painted with camo and AGED it's a fake. A painted mark to identify it as such inside is a joke and removed in a few minutes . It's not a restoration (which means it was restored back to it's known original appearance) it a new creation on an original helmet body. The only way these fakes would be acceptable is that they are identified as such in a visible spot with an engraving deeply in the metal. All these fabrications are going to do over the long term is further damage the hobby. FAKE IS FAKE .
A few babies being thrown out with the bathwater M45?
That DAK lid is fine.
and very likely the Norwegian 'skittle' lid...
Funny how well intentioned revolutions often get out of control.
Agreed. This thread used to be good to look at now and then for proper "Questionable camos".... now every one and their aunt is getting posted up as one. GHW being firmly in the firing line - so I take it eBay is awash with all the original camo helmets is it now M45??
Let's leave the personal vendettas out of this and get back on track, if you can.
I agree.A lot if what I see here are bad camos from e bay and a few from dealers that GHW also agree were bad.Lately though I see many legit camos that are getting criticized.Fair enough,everyone is entitled to their opinion.
IMO even camos that are photographed properly still sometimes need a hands on.Cant tell you how many I've had some reservations about in pictures that I got my hands on that removed any doubt.
NOTHING substitutes for a actual hands on.