PPU Serb ammo

Yes I saw that. 200gr FMJ. I haven't shot that one either as I bought 'a bunch' of the 196SP and 198FMJ when they were really cheap.

I've been shooting the Match grade PPU through my Norwegian capture K98k during 2020 as it was the only factory ammo I could get hold of in the UK at the time (in late 2019)
Not that we've had much chance to shoot anything in the UK with the ranges closed for long periods due to Covid situation.
Today's purchase

I bought three boxes (60 rounds) of PPU PSP 196 grain ammo at my local gun store today. It basically cost a buck a bullet but that's what you have to expect unless Academy has what you need.

I get my hand-gun ammo there by lining up at 6:00 am. They usually have something I need and prices remain "normal," not a buck a round.
Thanks! I bought 200 rounds from Grabagun. A couple of hours they sent me an email marked shipped. $158 plus tax, shipping.

Great price! I don’t think I need that much. The only price I saw from them was 30 bucks for twenty rounds.
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Why not? Did you guys do something wrong?

They're jealous of our former industrial centers turned into ghettos.

To purchase ammo in CT you require a permit and for some reason they don't give me the option to send them a copy of my permit. All the other sites I've ordered had me just email a copy of my permit but this website will physically not let me click checkout, all it says is, "There are items in your cart we can not ship to your state". Feels bad man.
People’s republic Lives!

They're jealous of our former industrial centers turned into ghettos.

To purchase ammo in CT you require a permit and for some reason they don't give me the option to send them a copy of my permit. All the other sites I've ordered had me just email a copy of my permit but this website will physically not let me click checkout, all it says is, "There are items in your cart we can not ship to your state". Feels bad man.

I see. The DDR is alive and well over here.

Stay tuned for periodic updates.
Igman (Bosnia) is another one with good quality, reloadable boxer primed brass cases.
I've found the S&B stuff to be very hot. I still have 5 or 6 boxes of it. I miss the days when the Yugo surplus was everywhere. Good thing I stocked up. At today's prices I'd just as soon throw rocks.
I've found the S&B stuff to be very hot. I still have 5 or 6 boxes of it. I miss the days when the Yugo surplus was everywhere. Good thing I stocked up. At today's prices I'd just as soon throw rocks.

Prices are relative. Beer cost a buck twenty-five a six-pack when I was in high school. Beer costs ten bucks now. Twenty bucks for twenty rounds seems high, but it beats throwing rocks!

Prices for anything gun-related are high because they are, or seem to be, in short supply. Once everyone has his gun and 200 rounds of ammo, things will come back to normal as stocks are replenished.
You guys will find this hard to believe, I did, but the PPU I ordered yesterday from Grabagun arrived today.
S&B is said to be closer to a clone of the hotter WW1 era S.Patrone ammo, whereas the PPU is closer to a clone of the s.S.Patrone early WW2 ammo.

Agree regarding the projectile.
Check the videos of this guy about PPU 198gr FMJ BT:
Velocity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36kXp9hgVwY
Loads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG12qFGPt0A

Velocity of S&B 196 gr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RALnd9U4DE

He also did various videos about surplus ammo: Czech, Turkish, Romanian, German
German surplus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKIWnsWl9xs
Conclusion: the Yugo stuff is the closest thing to the original (muzzle velocity of original sS Patrone is 755 m/s - 2477 fps)

Load of original ammo is around 43.5gr, that of PPU is around 51.5gr (but, of course, powders are different (square/flake vs sticks), and it looks that the PPU powder is weaker if velocity is considered).
To be noted : Yugo M75 sniper ammo is underpowered at 41gr (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwVRISpHRfQ)
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Agree regarding the projectile.
Check the videos of this guy about PPU 198gr FMJ BT:
Velocity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36kXp9hgVwY
Loads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG12qFGPt0A

Velocity of S&B 196 gr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RALnd9U4DE

He also did various videos about surplus ammo: Czech, Turkish, Romanian, German
German surplus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKIWnsWl9xs
Conclusion: the Yugo stuff is the closest thing to the original (muzzle velocity of original sS Patrone is 755 m/s - 2477 fps)

Load of original ammo is around 43.5gr, that of PPU is around 51.5gr (but, of course, powders are different (square/flake vs sticks), and it looks that the PPU powder is weaker if velocity is considered).
To be noted : Yugo M75 sniper ammo is underpowered at 41gr (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwVRISpHRfQ)

Too much science for me. A simple yes or no will be adequate!
I shoot PPU 8mm 196 gr. and haven't had any problems.

Noob Question: If I remember correctly, someone on a different thread said that the PPU is underpowered compared to original WW2 ammo. Turkish ammo is hot. Compared to PPU, how much hotter is other ammo, like Turkish... does it mean an increase in FPS?

I save all my brass and plan on reloading 8mm, I have all the equipment... but no bullets and no primers... which are pretty much hard to get these days.
Noob Question: If I remember correctly, someone on a different thread said that the PPU is underpowered compared to original WW2 ammo. Turkish ammo is hot. Compared to PPU, how much hotter is other ammo, like Turkish... does it mean an increase in FPS?

Generally Wreck, the "heat" referred to in these threads correlates to an increase in velocity. Ammunition that might wind up being used in old military rifles was traditionally loaded to lower pressures/velocities by commercial producers (especially those in the U.S.), for liability reasons.

There was a time when I loaded to sS specs, just to see how close the rear sight graduations would track the ballistic path of "original" ammunition. Quite frankly, those loads were murder. Hard on the rifle, hard on my shoulder and a lot of erosive fire in the throats of those pristine bores that I love so dearly.

Older and (hopefully!) wiser, I've since throttled back to 150gr. pills and more sensible velocities. Easier on the rifle, easier on the shoulder, generally better accuracy (at least at 100m), and more loads per pound of propellant.

nice actual info!

Agree regarding the projectile.
Check the videos of this guy about PPU 198gr FMJ BT:
Velocity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36kXp9hgVwY
Loads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG12qFGPt0A

Velocity of S&B 196 gr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RALnd9U4DE

He also did various videos about surplus ammo: Czech, Turkish, Romanian, German
German surplus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKIWnsWl9xs
Conclusion: the Yugo stuff is the closest thing to the original (muzzle velocity of original sS Patrone is 755 m/s - 2477 fps)

Load of original ammo is around 43.5gr, that of PPU is around 51.5gr (but, of course, powders are different (square/flake vs sticks), and it looks that the PPU powder is weaker if velocity is considered).
To be noted : Yugo M75 sniper ammo is underpowered at 41gr (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwVRISpHRfQ)

thanks for taking the time to put that together, more info is generally good, nice research!
Opinions are great when you know something of the speaker/writer, or the subject, but data is king.