Possible turd?


Active member
158-7.jpgCould be just me being over cautious, but it looks like original numbers were scrubbed from this DOU44. The loss of bluing around the serial makes me suspicious. The 'C' I thought was suspect as well, but looks close to a picture reference in the forums. What does everyone think? Im just looking to reassure myself and my eyes. Lol It is supposedly all matching.
And for reference, this is the same auction house where I found a completely humped rifle a few months ago.
Not disagreeing, as I am a complete novice and still have much to learn but wouldn’t there be loss of metal, not just loss of bluing?
Not disagreeing, as I am a complete novice and still have much to learn but wouldn’t there be loss of metal, not just loss of bluing?
Yeah, but I'm not quite good enough to distinguish if it was welded in and reblued. Good point though. Duh. Lol It just looks very sus to me.
I suppose if the original wasn't struck too hard, the entire section of the receiver could be ground level and reblued.
I'm super skeptical with these now. So I could just be overly paranoid.
I‘m with ya on being paranoid. You did the right thing by asking here.
I've been saved here once before, and have spent hours researching different rifles I've found. I still haven't found one I was %100 sure of. This forum is definitely the best resource.
I'll find a good one someday!
It would be nice to see that area from a different angle. The firing proof looks undisturbed. I see concentric machining rings around the receiver going past the numbers also undisturbed. Unless there is a divot out of the metal, I can’t see this being altered and not disrupting the “C”. From this image, possible high edge wear of displaced metal.
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The machining marks definitely put me.in the direction that it could be ok, as they were not disturbed. It was just the wear of the bluing around the serials that weirded me out.
Most likely was ok, auction is over now. Last time I looked it was around 1k. So hopefully it was a good one.
Thanks for everyone's input.