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If the only two Polizei Regiments which were stationed in Norway at that time were Rgt. 7 and Rgt. 27. It is hard to say from which unit this photo is. Because we have no unit insignia.Would it be safe to say that this Pol-Btl 317 would be the most likely candidate of which Btl/Bat the Sniper in my photo belonged or would it be one of the other Wolfgang/Amberg mentions ????. I want to be sure I label the photo with most accurate and correct description .
I want to say Thank You to everyone who took the time to look into this !!!!!!!!!!!!
Every Polizei Regiment had (normally) Staff + 3 Bataillons + 1 Signal-, 1 Armoured Recon- and 1 Tank company, but the 27th Regiment had a 4th Battailon (Training- and Replacement).
Every Battailon had 3 Infantry- and 1 (heavy weapon) Company. The main equipment of the "heavy" Company were the heavy machine guns and mortars. I think there were no sniper weapons.
So, in my opinion it makes sense to focus on the Infantry Companies of each single Battailon. This is the closest I can get at the moment.
How many sniper rifles have been in a SS Polizei Regiment? Hard to say. I have a source which says between 147 and 99, about war strength list, for a Division (depending of unit character).
A regiment is more or less 1/4 of a Division. So, 25 scope rifles for a whole Regiment, maybe. Every Regiment has 9 Infantry Companies.
If so, each Company could have 2 or 3 scope rifles. Each Company had three or four platoons.
Maybe, the rifles were given to the best shooters of a Company. Does not matter every Company has a scope rifle...
Or they could be maintained in the staff unit of the Companie, handed over if needed.