Personalized German Camo Helmet - opinions

There are a few things in play here that make it hard to "one look" this helmet. You have a base helmet. you have a camo over it then you have a vet art on top of that. three compounding factors in one item.

We all take vetting items very seriously especially when helping out a friend from getting burned. I really could care less who owns what the item must stand on its own. I have grown comfortable enough in my own skills to judge camo helmets with a bit of confidence. I have stated my claims on this one... I have no dogs in this fight.
I collect none of that …
The fakery is also rife in guns which you do collect, there’s just a better/ closet knit community.

A lot of knowledgeable uniform guys etc won’t bother to ca stuff out on a lot of platforms as it isn’t worth the fight I guess. Which is sad.
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I'll never buy a German helmet, its just not worth it for the amount of scrutiny and knowledge needed, especially with how good painters have gotten. Id need all the years spent here on the forum learning K98's and years spent on field gear combined just to have a 50/50 chance of not getting shafted on a basic helmet.
Years ago I met a Canadian fellow on eBay. He was selling German helmets. Most of these he got from Norway by the boxful. Almost all of them had been repainted and converted for use by the railroad. He sold me three shells which I restored. They look great. I got them cheap. I know what they are and where they were. At the Front sells restored helmets too and they are reasonable. No decals. I would never buy an “original.” Too expensive and too many “fakes.”


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it's like anything else. you have to put the time in a dedicate yourself to what you collect. Helmets , cars, artwork ect ect. you need to put the time in or you will get burned. If you don't want to pay for an original and can't tell the difference buy a good copy.
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