Gotcha. Thank you.No… it’s usually just white chalk. That can be brushed out.
Hide issues such as?It’s sometimes a paint called China white, or white grease pencil. Both of which can be difficult to remove but can be done.
I use a little solvent, wooden tooth picks and a brass bristle brush.
It has been known to be used to hide issues though in recent times so you need to know the subject matter.
Fake serial numbers. The grease/whatever can hide the signs of engraving work.Hide issues such as?
Ah gotcha. Thank you.Fake serial numbers. The grease/whatever can hide the signs of engraving work.
I've also found that it makes it difficult to detect a reblue on a Luger because it makes the halos harder to see.Fake serial numbers. The grease/whatever can hide the signs of engraving work.