P 35 Radom Early Nazi


Senior Member
Today I picked up a nice P 35 Radom cut for a shoulder stock and Nazi Waffen amps. Serial number 304x. 2 clips and holster. I do not have any Radom books. how about some info. Originally I thought that the Nazi issue ones came wit
hout stock cut. Thank Banjomike
The very early ones came with the stock slot cutout and are missing the lanyard loop. Some will have “plum” bluing of the slide.

What else would you like to know about it? Pictures would help immensely.

I had the opportunity to get one in the 20xx range in absolutely stunning condition with a MINT holster but I just didn’t have $2.8k sitting around in my bank account available to spend on stuff like this.
if its a true no letter block pistol it will have the cut. I think they did into the early b block ? But, im not 100% sure. Like all this stuff there is a gradual progression of change..
Bill yorks book is back in print I think ? its a must for radom folks. Also axis pistols has most all the info on there as well..

the p35p and p35b have the same basic evolution.
if its a true no letter block pistol it will have the cut. I think they did into the early b block ? But, im not 100% sure. Like all this stuff there is a gradual progression of change..
Bill yorks book is back in print I think ? its a must for radom folks. Also axis pistols has most all the info on there as well..

the p35p and p35b have the same basic evolution.
As you mentioned there isn’t a definitive or specific cutoff date / serial range for when the stock cutout slot was omitted (but just a general idea of a range when it was widely phased out), as some early spare frames were reused for later pistols. I am just thinking off the top of my head, but I do recall York’s book had an example of a K-serial pistol that had a stock slot cutout.
I’m having trouble roughly dating early pistols like Mikes, don’t have the books either. Picked up an A6xxx if I remember right off the top, and can’t figure it out? Love to see your pre alpha Mike.
First I must thank Flynaked for posting my pictures. The early Radom just came in my store this week. The K Radom I had in the back of the safe for years and didn't think much of it till my recent research. Having run a collector firearms store for 55 years. I had and sold many a Radon and never looked twice. It's funny when you get older your taste changes. I would be happy to send email pictures . What do you want to see? Regards Banjomike
Two really nice Radoms, bookends to occupied production. That K block is LATE. Not sure what the last serial number known is but I think it’s around 9100. You’re only a few hundred off. I’ll check the books tomorrow.
Talking about the late K block here: Nice late magazine, should have eagle 623 stamped down at the bottom (I think I can see it). Has the late follower style.

York says the last serial reported was K9150. Yours has to be in the last group of firing proofed/accepted pistols, some around yours are not proofed.
I like that no letter bloc pistol... a exceedingly nice example! Appears to have the photo-engraved slide legend and I imagine a number of ex-Polish production parts as well.
Two really nice Radoms, bookends to occupied production. That K block is LATE. Not sure what the last serial number known is but I think it’s around 9100. You’re only a few hundred off. I’ll check the books tomorrow.
Back in the mid-'70s a friend owned K9110. No acceptance stamps on either frame or slide...
The stock slot was phased out in late first D block and early first E block. I have seen both. I have a first E block with slot. Lanyards are present more in the later slotted guns and less in the early slotted guns. The pre-Alpha guns are pretty stunning as the one posted. Blue barrels are mixed in the early slotted guns and typically lack a lanyard.

I am not sure there was any documentation that most of the early guns went to the Navy and the Navy did not want a Lanyard. Many believe the Navy wanted blue barrels. I passed on a pretty nice late serial number Eagle that lacked a lanyard thinking it was messed with. I bet it was a near finished Eagle that was finished under German supervision and went to the Navy.
Get the color version instead of the black and white.

Most definitely - the photography is spectacular!

Wow! Absolutely gorgeous! I still miss "late K" and the early pre-alphabet in my collection. Hopefully someday ;) Thanks for sharing.