Our podcast on MILSURP HQ - parts 1 and 2.

I understand Mike makes some disparaging remarks about me in this so called podcast.

Mike, you will be hearing from my lawyers soon enough. You can pay the damages in cash or cleaning kits. Your choice.
haha, the fellas had nothing but flattering things to say about you! They were amazing people and we really had a great time and learned a lot.

Now, as for the stuff they said about you that I cut out...
Whew, was nervous there for a second. Can’t risk losing a cleaning kit, was thinking a cnx.
In all seriousness, its a great episode. Mike and Bruce, you should maybe think about engaging with this medium more often, both of you were great.

Also, I'm just at the part where you're discussing the SS contract rifles and mythical 'double rune' guns. Thought I might as well bring up my bnz43 rune rifle... since its techincally a "double rune" :ROFLMAO:
In all seriousness, its a great episode. Mike and Bruce, you should maybe think about engaging with this medium more often, both of you were great.

Also, I'm just at the part where you're discussing the SS contract rifles and mythical 'double rune' guns. Thought I might as well bring up my bnz43 rune rifle... since its techincally a "double rune" :ROFLMAO:
I told them the same, Bruce and Mike were naturals and would do great with their own show! If they threw in video they could be a great K98k MasterClass-- I'd sign up.

Sounds like Canadian Fabio has a face for video as well.

Hey all forum folks-- If anyone has any podcast topics they'd like covered or a specific arm/action, please msg me whatever.
(We aren't done with the K98k of course, and we will work out another show for sure as an excuse to ask these guys back on! )

In addition, we do some MILSURP Roundtable Q&A and Trivia shows, so if you have a mic and know some "MILSURP stuff" & want to come on the show one day, toss me a msg with your email.

Thanks to all that listened, and I am sorry I called it the A Z, I swear I know the proper name, but ever since CandRsenal used it, the community has been referring to it as that so I said it for clarity :( haha

I enjoyed it as well guys, always good to hear you two talking about 98ks. Hopefully one day you'll invite the AX-hole lol.
I enjoyed listening to the podcast. Hearing the discussions brings the topics to life. A weekly podcast each discussing different K98k topics would awesome! ;)

First, I would like to thank you for having the courage and dedication to author a book, moreover a series of books. Your contributions to preserving 98k history is greatly appreciated by many collectors and historians of military arms. As to the podcast, it is my first time hearing the author's voices and personalities of the men behind the books. It was nice listening to the personalities and emotions that went into the creativity of the books and collecting. Job well done.

BTW, am I the only one that took the dust jackets off my books and stowed them away as not harm from frequent handling?
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Thank you both for taking the time to sit on this podcast, it was very informative and I actually wish it was longer. I also had no idea about milsurp HQ and will now be tuning in.

The only problem with listening to this episode is now I feel the need to go out and buy another K98K…
I listened to this whilst walking my dog. Really fascinating to hear your voices and I learnt some interesting things. Personally I think you could easily run a K98k podcast as there's so much to discuss. Thanks for doing this.
I listen to Part 1. The discussion was very interested. I really enjoyed hearing Mike and Bruce discuss writing their 4 volume set of books. Thank you so much for all you guys do.
This was a great listen. Y’all are more down to earth than I expected and the podcast really showed that.

My biggest take away was that the BNZ45 “S” block bolt in my BNZ45 “T” block rifle may have very well left the factory that way. And also, that assumption may make me a fudd.