Older waffenamt code book source?


I Like Bunnies
Guys, I have a couple copies of a book I believed was compiled by a collector (or collectors) at some point. It is softbound, one in pink and one in white. It is a vast typewritten collection of Waffenamts, three letter codes and manufacturers, etc. It is all photocopied and bound.

No author, no credits, bibliography, nothing. 87 pages.

Anyone seen these before or have one?



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I believe my friend Ken Huddle put this together. I know that he published a book out there and then someone else stole it and reprinted it and sold it. My memory is that this is it.
That's shitty.

Great book, tell him thank you for his work, I have used it for years, I bought them at a gun show in Wisconsin.

Straight from his mouth. I removed the name of the accused so as to avoid any liability there.

YES, I wrote that book, but it is NOT one of my production. It is one of the fucking bootlegs that some piece o' shite felt compelled to rip me off. It is a crappy zerox of my original. Mine was zeroxed (at the Kinkos by UofL late at night) & had a print-shop printed cover on grey heavy paper. PHOTO ATTACHED. I always suspected that XXXXXXX was the scumbag behind it.

That sucks. Ken obviously put a lot of time and effort into it. I mean a LOT. They didn't even bother to change the font on the cover.

Yea, he is still obviously a bit pissed about it. With any luck he will finish up his big book one of these days, the code and marking book that he has been working on for twenty plus years.
That's really a brashness, Ken Huddle put so much effort into it and such a idiot steal it. I hope the thief gets what he deserves.
Ken Huddle has been doing great research long before I knew the difference between a waffenamt and a proof, - today everyone dabbles in research to one degree or another, but Ken was doing it when it was damn near impossible. I wasn't aware of Ken's authorship on the waffenamt booklet, but his study on Gustloff-Werke and the Czech makers was first rate. Not to mention he was researching barrel coding long before I began...

I have had one of these knock off waffenamt studies for a long time, but never made the connection to Ken, but looking through it now, i can see the similarity to his other research projects.

While our hobby is practically a parrot zoo, this theft of intellectual property is pretty appalling. I do not blame Ken being pissed off. That original cover is typical of Ken's quirky humor too (he is a grammar nazi too... double check the material you send Ken unless you like to get schooled on proper sentence structure..)