Noob ammo question

Could be a headspace issue. Is ammo lacquer coated? If so try better ammo and get a set of gauges.

Also make sure there isn't hardened carbon in chamber. Take a steel pick to it if there is. Did you disassemble the bolt and clean all the commie grease?

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Haven't disassembled the bolt yet, going to have to YouTube that lol
It's easy just watch the whole video first and keep pressure on the spring. I used a book the first time. Pin went through cover and about 20 pages

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Romanian Ammo

That looks to me like some of that out of spec. Romanian steel cased ammo. That ammo has been around a few years and has gave a lot of 8mm rifle shooters heartburn. Get some other brass cased 8mm and your problems should go away.
Of all the ammo I used, Romanian was the worst. The lacquer melted, leaving orange goop. The powder was so sooty it would that three dozen patches to clean the bore. Only ever bought the one for in.

That looks to me like some of that out of spec. Romanian steel cased ammo. That ammo has been around a few years and has gave a lot of 8mm rifle shooters heartburn. Get some other brass cased 8mm and your problems should go away.

There are multiple threads here and other forums about the new production Romanian 8mm. Sportsmans guide originally sold it and now advertises it as non WWII spec. Plain and simple, it's no Bueno!

This ammo is not to be confused with the spam cans of Romanian 8mm. That stuff is dirty, but chambers and goes band every time.
That looks to me like some of that out of spec. Romanian steel cased ammo. That ammo has been around a few years and has gave a lot of 8mm rifle shooters heartburn. Get some other brass cased 8mm and your problems should go away.

Any links to some good 8mm ammo?
Any links to some good 8mm ammo?
I have a few boxes of older Remington 8mm Mauser ammo that is excellent. Also some Greek Surplus. I would part with some. PM me if interested. Also try ammo seek. I think PPU FMJ is about .80/round.

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Hopefully you are feeding rounds from the magazine & not trying to insert them directly into the chamber. Doing the latter means you're trying to force the extractor claw over the case rim.
Hopefully you are feeding rounds from the magazine & not trying to insert them directly into the chamber. Doing the latter means you're trying to force the extractor claw over the case rim.

I've actually tried it both ways...same result
That looks to me like some of that out of spec. Romanian steel cased ammo. That ammo has been around a few years and has gave a lot of 8mm rifle shooters heartburn. Get some other brass cased 8mm and your problems should go away.

I got the ammo from lucky says brass cased in the description 🤔
Well I just took apart the bolt, couldn't get the extractor off, but I cleaned it up, lubed it with go juice-which is awesome- runs a little smoother with the ammo in it. I did notice the ammo has lots of scuffs and scratches from the cycling..some had it on the neck of the rounds...I'm thinking it has to be the ammo...
Well I just took apart the bolt, couldn't get the extractor off, but I cleaned it up, lubed it with go juice-which is awesome- runs a little smoother with the ammo in it. I did notice the ammo has lots of scuffs and scratches from the cycling..some had it on the neck of the rounds...I'm thinking it has to be the ammo...

It doesn't necessarily have to be the ammo, these guns were not built to perfection. I had the same problem with a BCD41 with reloads using quality components. Using Sharpie colored bullets pointed to a burr in the chamber, one that would not be noticed with WWII German ammo (which I purchased just to check) due to the aggressive taper of the ogive on that ammo (they don't seem to reach full diameter until the case neck is met). But with Sierra Matchkings which have a more blunt ogive, heavy duty scratching was evident, and had difficulty chambering. No other modern 8mm bullets seem to approximate the wicked taper of the German s.S. round, except perhaps Berger VLD, but they are too expensive for plinking.

I fire lapped with four rounds of boolits, it seemed to have fixed the problem. Exhaust all possibilities before you try this though.
I was just looking for some basic steps to try and correct the long as it's still safe to shot I can deal with it..
The Romanian stuff is interesting. Looks like at least 3 different places have contracted with whoever is actually making it to import the ammo.

Midway has it as PW Arms:

Which looks exactly like, and has the same specs as the Hotshot stuff SG ammo sells (sold?): I believe Hotshot is a Century Arms brand.

Sportsman's Guide sells what also looks to be the exact same stuff, but in a green box. Also from Romania, with the same specs and same green bullet sealant as the Hotshot and PW stuff.:

There are quite a few reports of the Romanian stuff being out of spec, slightly over sized. I know a guy with a MG34 that won't chamber it, but the same ammo works/runs fine in a buddies MG42.
So should I stick with Prvi Partizan Ammo ?

The Romanian stuff is interesting. Looks like at least 3 different places have contracted with whoever is actually making it to import the ammo.

Midway has it as PW Arms:

Which looks exactly like, and has the same specs as the Hotshot stuff SG ammo sells (sold?): I believe Hotshot is a Century Arms brand.

Sportsman's Guide sells what also looks to be the exact same stuff, but in a green box. Also from Romania, with the same specs and same green bullet sealant as the Hotshot and PW stuff.:

There are quite a few reports of the Romanian stuff being out of spec, slightly over sized. I know a guy with a MG34 that won't chamber it, but the same ammo works/runs fine in a buddies MG42.