Newbie with K98 AR 41

Only thing I did so far is run it down with 0000steel wool

Oh the humanities! Please do not do anything else to this rifle. Just sell it and get a hunting rifle.
As deer season is slowly approaching I will most likely use it for hunting this year( sitting in blind all day should not do any harm to the rifle ) . I'm going to shooting range next week to test the rifle and see how does perform. ....

.... I'm not Weekly shooter so putting maximum of 10-20 rounds a year through it can't harm it to much and rest of the year it will be oiled n stored in gun Case. How does that sound?

Like a bad idea. The stock is nearly 80 years old, and the stock appears to have some de-lamination. Shooting high powered rds, puts stress on the wood... recoil lug can get driven back, and there commonly is a crack internally between the trigger hole and mag hole... and it will worsen with every rd.

The bolt is mm, and while the head space is probably fine, it's no guarantee (feelin' lucky?). If you need an elk gun, go get the right, scoped & head spaced rifle, and let this one rest....