New DOT 44 Acquisition and Kriegsmodell Stock Questions


Active member
Hi all, recently picked up this bring back late a block DOT 44 from a local store. The barreled receiver seems all matching however it is fitted into an un-sanded full Kriegsmodell stock. It's my understanding that DOT 44s only ever came in the semi Kriegsmodell stock, was wondering if I could get some assistance with how this might have ended up. I'm guessing probably someone did a sporter rescue but the stock seems suspiciously fresh and period correct.

Stock has a some hand written letters inside and a stamped 3 and a very faint stamped Z. Haven't yet been able to get the buttplate off so no idea what is under there. Hand guard has nothing stamped on it. Barrel bands are missing screws and the end cap is missing, screw holes look very fresh and potentially un threaded.


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Wow, was expecting just a stock m/m when walking out of the store with it! Classic story of grandkid putting grandpa’s war trophies up for sale on consignment at the local shop.

Any opinion on value for it? Not looking to sell but want a rough ball park of pucker factor for when I’m taking off barrel bands and such.
Well, let me be more clear - that particular rifle has a few issues, but the full Kriegsmodell dot44 is the pinnacle- wonder what happened to the stock on the receiver serial side? Value? No clue anymore, prices fluctuate so much now.
Ah noted, yes full Kriegsmodell is very interesting on this. Based on what I have seen published (apologies if I’m off, I don’t own the books) this was most likely produced in the final few months before Brunn was captured. I am hesitant to remove the buttplate but that may give some indication to at least the stock’s production date based on Brunn sometimes placing dates and signatures under there. I wonder if this was a DOT 44 that was held back in production and was completed with some of the SWP 45s?
I once owned a super nice KM dot44 and had similar questions which were answered at Dave's old site one being dot made many receivers stamped 44 well into 45 meaning they just didn't bother to change the stamp to 45.
I am ignorant of receiver stamping. Is there more than one machine and if so did the 44 stamp continue to be used right up to the end of the war along with the 45 stamp on different machines?
I am pretty sure the Germans had more pressing matter than stamping the correct year on receivers but again I am ignorant and hoping someone can inform us
The whole code stamping is weird late war...the Germans do have a penchant for picking gnat shite out of pepper though...I mean, look at MO, they had three code changes in the space the last 5 months of the war, in 1945...byf 45, svw 45, and svw MB...why did they bother at that point...its all the anomalies that make late war stuff so interesting, ad a mine field at the same time...
amazing condition !! Did is have the band screws ? Close up's please .. sunken tapered head screws ?
Hi Mauser99, unfortunately no band screws and no end plate. See pictures below for the holes. It looks like these would be countersunk screws. The screw holes look potentially un-tapped but not sure. When I got it the barrel bands were on backwards and the magazine plate screws were loose, so the stock had been separated at some point before. I'm assuming that whoever brought this back separated the stock and action to ship back so what ever screws that might have been there would be lost.


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Absolutely Killer stock. Brunn screws have very long shanks so the threading may not be visible unless its further into the holes.
Here are some screws that might fill the holes until you can locate something better. I am not well versed to know if the band spanner screws were always slotted as well, but you can cut slots yourself if need be. The price is right. Does anyone have experience with these CZ24 disc screws?
Here are some screws that might fill the holes until you can locate something better. I am not well versed to know if the band spanner screws were always slotted as well, but you can cut slots yourself if need be. The price is right. Does anyone have experience with these CZ24 disc screws?
I used these on my early dou45 but I think the dot rifles had transitioned to the non vz24 screw by this serial range.