Need help for my K98


Hi all.
I would need your knowledge please.
I recently got this K98. I would really like to try to know more about this rifle.
I browsed this forum looking for information but not easy because on mine there are no manufacturer markings on the receiver.
I am thinking maybe of a k98 "ar 43" (?) there is a lot of similarity with what I have seen on the forum.
The gun is marked underneath 43 CYW and on the top there is a waffenamt 26.
The rifle is at the same number except the butt plate which has none.
The stock does not have an external waffenamt, but on the inside on both parts there is the number engraved "747 A"
Could you help me please ?
Thank you.
















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Hello, & welcome!
I couldn’t open your photos, so can’t tell you much at this time.
from what I can see, the barreled receiver & stock match each other (good!) Are there more letters/numbers near the “43 cyw” mark on the barrel? that is a code that tells the maker of the barrel blank, year, and finisher of the barrel. There are people here who compile that info, & can tell you more than I can. The butt plate would not be numbered on a 1943 built rifle, but it would also not be blued or blackened, the bolt takedown discs would also not be black or blue. Other photos may show these better.
Hi all.
I would need your knowledge please.
I recently got this K98. I would really like to try to know more about this rifle.
I browsed this forum looking for information but not easy because on mine there are no manufacturer markings on the receiver.
I am thinking maybe of a k98 "ar 43" (?) there is a lot of similarity with what I have seen on the forum.
The gun is marked underneath 43 CYW and on the top there is a waffenamt 26.
The rifle is at the same number except the butt plate which has none.
The stock does not have an external waffenamt, but on the inside on both parts there is the number engraved "747 A"
Could you help me please ?
Thank you.
















Hmm interesting, I'm drawing a blank atm. Do you have a list made of all the waffenampt stamps on your rifle? Is eagle/26 the only one on your rifle?
Hmm interesting, I'm drawing a blank atm. Do you have a list made of all the waffenampt stamps on your rifle? Is eagle/26 the only one on your rifle?
now I can see the pics full size, it looks to be a matching example.

@Mitsu are there any marks on the right side of the receiver along the wood line?

The sight parts shown were made by elite diamant, note the lower case ‘i’ mark. for the period, that mark would be ‘equal to’ an actual WaA# or eagle/#, like an ‘l’ would be for an astrawerke furnished part. In the larger photos, I can see that the butt plate & td discs aren’t blued or blackened. I’m not sure of the date, but after a time, subcontractor parts weren’t also inspection marked, just their maker mark.
Hello and thank you.
Here are a few more photos.
And no it's apparently the only one I've seen waffenamt 26 .
There are others on the Bolt (see photos) but not 26 (i think).
Just letters MI ?




now I can see the pics full size, it looks to be a matching example.

@Mitsu are there any marks on the right side of the receiver along the wood line?

The sight parts shown were made by elite diamant, note the lower case ‘i’ mark. for the period, that mark would be ‘equal to’ an actual WaA# or eagle/#, like an ‘l’ would be for an astrawerke furnished part. In the larger photos, I can see that the butt plate & td discs aren’t blued or blackened. I’m not sure of the date, but after a time, subcontractor parts weren’t also inspection marked, just their maker mark.
Yes I saw this letter "I" but I didn't know what it could correspond to now thanks to you I know! It's really very interesting, thank you
MI on the bolt lug indicates the bolt body (the main piece with the handle) was made at FN in Belgium, as a sub contractor furnished part. If you put the bolt back into the rifle, but leave the handle up/open, can you see another eagle on the back of the handle where it meets the body? that is typically where the ‘firing proof’ is made on the bolt assembly. it is the same mark you’ve shown in the “MI” view, but in a different location.
MI on the bolt lug indicates the bolt body (the main piece with the handle) was made at FN in Belgium, as a sub contractor furnished part. If you put the bolt back into the rifle, but leave the handle up/open, can you see another eagle on the back of the handle where it meets the body? that is typically where the ‘firing proof’ is made on the bolt assembly. it is the same mark you’ve shown in the “MI” view, but in a different location.

No, I don't see anything about this place but it's a little worn so...
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“U” on the barrel shoulder is interesting. Also the set screw for the rear sight base is broken. Never seen that before on a k98. I’m not seeing the letter suffix on the bolt under the serial in the picture.
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Sounds like a Borsigwalde rifle with the 26 stamping.

yes, and didn’t they stop making rifles to focus on MGs? which might explain the lack of receiver marks, if this rifle was finished at another factory…….
@Mitsu take a look in the picture reference part of the forum, at ‘ar’ coded rifles, there are examples shown there similar to yours.
Presumably another "commercial" or total new depot build with a leftover receiver. No eagle/N stamp or any depot markings on the stock anywhere? Any markings on the bottom of the receiver?
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Presumably another "commercial" or total new depot build with a leftover receiver. No eagle/N stamp or any depot markings on the stock anywhere? Any markings on the bottom of the receiver?
it seems to me that there is no waffenamt eagle on the stock.
on the other hand just before the number 294 under the barrel there is a marking but I do not know how to read it...
when you speak of commercial mauser what do you mean ?