Third Party Press

My First/Only Luger


Senior Member
Had this for a few years, never took good natural light pictures, not that these are all that great....

A matching, less mag, r block of 1939, I’m not aware the fine details of these. I’d like to know more about them, looking for a good book at present. But, always wanted one, so it fills the void.

Grips are repro, as is the currently installed extractor and firing pin (striker). This is to make it safer to shoot, only once in a while still though. All original matching parts are set aside. I also shoot using a repro mag, instead of this unmatched Haenel mag.

I’m not sure on the original grips, I understand some were unserialized and still original matched but it has always escaped me. Thoughts?

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Nice looking 1939-42 Luger. Not all grips were numbered to the gun but yours look period original. If they fit good than there is no reason they aren't original to the gun. Not sure about the magazine, maybe police?
Yeah looks pretty decent Herk. Had a 39 too bought back in the 70s. Not a great score as it was a re-blue and grips had been replaced. Mag was not original either but for $260 not too bad a buy. I later swapped it for a new S&W Tactical 9 in the late 90s.
Good looking pistol, and you are right...I believe the mag is police, but not uncommon for magazines to be mismatched. Probably the most common feature of 90% of all lugers is a mismatched magazine. Be careful though; this could start you down a whole new path.

Head over to the Luger forum. They have a FAQ area that is just loaded with info. A good start is Aaron Davis' catalog of lugers (it is downloadable and free). Lot's of good info there, and although there are mistakes in just about any publication, you can easily get enough info to answer the vast majority of your questions.


Military Rifle Journal