Mauser MS350N project completed.
Howdy folks,
It has been quite a while since I asked you all about what to do regarding replicating the Mauser logo/cartouche on a rare Ms350N that I was working on. I did get it finished and just didn't get back to you all in a prompt manner. I took quite a few pics of it in the before, during and completed stages, too many to include in a post. I put them into three albums that I hope any or all of you should be able to see by going to my profile. I had a bit of a problem uploading the pics however, they are in reverse order in the albums, and I can't figure out how to change them. If unable to see these pics, please let me know. Thanks!
Clint Meier
Never mind for now on the pics and albums. I just spent about 2 hours putting these up and only one album shows and none of the around 50 to 55 pics I uploaded. I have no idea what happened to them.
Added 10-18-15, 7:45 AM: I had a look again this morning at my profile and all three of the albums and the pics were all there! I have no explanation for why I couldn't see them yesterday, but am glad that the two hours did not go to waist.
Added 10-18-15, 5:54 PM: I give up, the pics aren't there now again. I have gotten and used two different upload windows the two times I tried to put pics in albums, and I also have gotten two different login functions, one with only dots after my password and one with dots and the symbol of an eye, a small dot with a parenthesis Line pointed upwards. Does anyone else have these sorts of problems. I will try again sometime when I have more time to devote to this. Best regards.....Clint.