MP44 with side rail mount for ZF4 and or VAMPIR

I'm sorry but the rail looks like mine, I don't mean the six rivets but the welding points, there are originally 7 at the top and 7 at the bottom. It has to be connected to the housing somehow
I have sold several of these rails before and yours looks exactly like mine.
There will soon be a book on MP44 accessoires, where in one chapter the ZF4 scope rail and ZG1229 Vampir will also be covered.
Направляющая крепится не точечной сваркой, а шестью мощными штифтами, запаянными снаружи. Это позволяет использовать не только прицел ZF4, но и прицел с прибором ночного видения «1229» VAMPIRE.
Have you ever seen a ZG1229 in person in Russia, just to have it asked?