

Dude has no idea what he has, mis-labeled the kit. It is however a good looking kit.

Sigh... he’ll get it though I’m sure

He probably saw this thread, but this threads kit had a spare barrel

If the kit, is what he labeled it as, I’d be at 5k
That's the one I'm talking about. I hate his description though. Dude seems pretty arrogant yet, as you point out, he doesn't seem to know what it truly is. I wonder if he's Recon Jerry's brother?
So My kit is not there yet, and as usual with me about the time i'm gonna post something cool someone beats me to the punch:facepalm:
Soooo I will wait a bit to post mine. The spare barrel( which was a MP44 barrel) and rusted gas tube are gone.
But that's ok they didn't belong to the kit anyways. Just spare parts.
plus it appears the trunnion is missing ???? and pin, no picture of the bore. 8-9k for the bin

the mag patina does not match the kit patina, so its a add on

good luck with your sale

I do sort of like the other kit shame they damaged the receiver retainer pin hole area, it can be fixed BUT 5K
Hey: No trunions missing its all there. The only thing missing was the barrel pin.
I figured it was silly to put a BIN at 15000 but then you never know:laugh: you can laugh ya gonna get any if you don't ask:biggrin1:
Bore pics are up now, some how they got lost when posting up the item. I figure it may go close to what the last one did but again you never know:googlie
oh and the mag is a kinda high milage MP44 mag i picked up couple of years ago for $100.
Just don't seem to need it now.
if you re-read my post I stated is appears??? that the trunnion was missing. I said appears with a ??? glad you clarified it

I wish you all the luck in selling it
Hey Sprat: No harm no foul most likely my bad photos. Thanks for the luck wishes.
Panzer: Yeah i found that out so the joke is on me:googlie
We shall see where it goes. Just found some more parts for my MAT-49 project so it will help with that.
...did the buyer over pay by a lot?

If you search you'll find discussions that basically reinforce EVERYTHING this guy sells is WAY overpriced. The black rubber glove nonsense must be it? Or the way over the top hyper-bowl? Guess you don't have any 'big boy pants'? :)
If you search you'll find discussions that basically reinforce EVERYTHING this guy sells is WAY overpriced. The black rubber glove nonsense must be it? Or the way over the top hyper-bowl? Guess you don't have any 'big boy pants'? :)

Ahh I see that makes sense.

So then what is the actual value of the piece he listed? I’m asking because I have a vested interest in that specific kit :)

So my big boy pants are on lol
Well i read what you asked again and my reply. Perhaps?? I'm too jaded by his whole act. The fake old cosmoline with mummy wrap. Everything is MINT, UNTOUCHED etc. The entire fake act. I'm so over his type of nonsense that maybe I'm not the best guy when it comes to 'current value'. I'd love to see what some of the collectors of these think.

IIRC, there was a mint 2 saw cut job sold out of Vegas around a year ago that was then the highest I'd ever seen. In this crazy market right now with $1k+ Century AKs who knows? I guess the old saying "it's worth what someone's willing to pay" maybe really is it? I've wanted one but I wouldn't pay this despite what he claims. Sorry
FWIW, i think it sold a little over value, but not by much. I am around 6k on that kit, my .02 cents only though, and I haven't kept up with mp44/etc.. prices like I used to.