Mitchell's Value Inquiry


Looking to sell this Mitchell's - receiver marked 42 with year 1940. Numbers match on receiver, bolt sleeve, bolt, bottom metal, stock (not sure if they just stamp the stock to make it "match"

Condition looks good on all exterior metal but I know they paint/refinish everything. No visible rust, bore has some fouling but no pitting.

Just want to know a fair sell price, LMK if there's more info needed


The bolt had the serial numbers ground off and force matched by Mitchells. They also removed all of the bolt's finish and put it in the white. You won't get any takers here for it unless you're going to sell it dirt cheap. Your best bet is to put it on Gunjoker for a penny auction, then you'll see its true value. My guess is around $600 for the value of the parts minus the bolt.
Yeah that's fine - it's a consignment. I'm just looking to sell it locally to my customers, just want to know a good asking price since I am far from a mauser expert
^^^ exactly. Mitchell’s are as far from k98k collecting as you can get. Polished turds, but they can sell especially with their “certificate of authenticity”.
Its worth whatever a donor action is for a hunting rifle. Yes you can get more if you want to hornswoggle someone. I wouldnt want that on my consious. Agree 600 bucks is a fair price but may go for more at auction.
@Aardwolf, since you're selling it as a business, it really depends on your price into it. If you're like 200 bucks into it, I'd sell it for 600-800, leaves you and the buyer wiggle room.

Collector value isn't there, but you're a business. So that doesn't really matter here.

If you're in it like anymore then that, you could bump it to 900, but by that point you might as well just try and quick sell and close your margin down a bit. Used guns do bring the big dollars, but, you really need a buyer. Plus with how soft the market it, you need to play into how badly you want it gone.

Source: Worked the industry for a few years.
I had a byf43 from Mitchell's I got dirt cheap from someone years ago only original matching parts was receiver, barrel and possibly sights. Rest was force matched. Turned into a repro high turret for vintage sniper matches, and cold blued bolt. I knew want worth crap as a collectible, but definitely was a tack driver at 600 yards. Sometimes regret selling it. So is life.
