Hello and thank you all for your input!
Muncher 1953, seems the top of the rifle has markings 41 Si38 and another byf (or l or even I maybe?) & 41
Issue with looking at gun broker is everyone has different descriptions and delusions of grander what they think their rifle is worth in the asking price. The sold rifles, some Mitchell's some whatever, values seem to bounce to me on Gun Broker from hundreds to a thousand plus. If they were drunk during their bidding, I could not say, nor condemn as I have bought a thing or two after a few drinks here and there (damn Palmetto State Armory email sales adds...).
I am not a collector. I do not even have a refined palate to get hints of coco and berries off the South fields of wherever, when I drink my coffee, whiskey or smoke cigars. I do not care if the rifle was part of this organization or that. I do not care if it faked, or the real thing, which I am sure if it were I could not afford, nor want to pay for. People want look down on it, fine. To each their own, and you love what you love. And, I can really get how involved people get following what they love. More power to you and I hope you find what makes you happy. I'm kool with that. It shoots strait, seems to have a good bore and and feels solid to me.
I watched Nutnfancy's review on Mitches's and thought it was informative in explaining how some view different rifles.
Internet Hate on Mitchell's Mausers: Fiction to Fact?
To me, this was an inexpensive shooter. Something I could reload for, that may or may not had someplace in history, and kinda heavy, but neat and big BOOM! I bought it through my old FFL who was selling it for an old guy, and if I paid a few bucks more than I should have, well he probably needed the money more than I did, so no worries. I have spent a lot of money on whiskey, women, cigars and guns, and like a fool I wasted the rest anyway...
But as it has sat in the safe for years, I figured I'd sell it.
do not want to misrepresent anything, just get what's fair for it, I'm not greedy. And if that is between $200 to a $XXXXs, is fine. It is what it is, and I really hope the next person enjoys it, just as I wish the same to the poor devils that married my ex. I don't have any use for the scope so it will likely just stay on the rifle.
If I hunted worth a damn, I'd keep it for a pig rifle. But I'm better off going to Costco/Sam's and getting pork butt there.
If I do keep it, maybe I will get one of those Pickelhaube German Kaiser helmets and wear it to the range when I take it shooting.
I really thought I would have a lot more time for play things being retired. I need to make range, reloading and fishing times more of a priority...
Again, thank you all for your input! I really do appreciate it....