Mike has a Mauser, Mike has questions

For reference so you can compare, this is what a 1939 Mauser Oberndorf would look like in original matching condition….

A 1940 manufactured example (the proofing and inspection markings “655”). Your example would look more like this due to the changeover in proofing. “63 to 655”.

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Well the receiver is and originally was a Mauser Oberndorf manufactured in 1939. That was the original Mauser factory. What you have is a mixmaster of sorts that’s been drilled for some post war sights like others have mentioned. Basically it’s a shooter….
Thank you for the response and I did see your rifle, it looks very nice. The condition is very good based on the age of the firearm.
You assume incorrectly. It's the serial number suffix. The guns were numbered in blocks of 10,000 and when they hit 10k they restarted with a suffix. So 9999, 10000, 1a, 2a, 3a . . . 9999a, 10000a, 1b, 2b, etc.
didn’t I explain that clearly enough in my next to last paragraph? ( yeah, I know it was long…..)
didn’t I explain that clearly enough in my next to last paragraph? ( yeah, I know it was long…..)
I'd typed it out and then got up to take care of some BS the cats were getting into and didn't see your post before I actually clicked reply. Sorry about that, I didn't mean to step on your toes.
I'd typed it out and then got up to take care of some BS the cats were getting into and didn't see your post before I actually clicked reply. Sorry about that, I didn't mean to step on your toes.
no big deal, I though maybe I’d conflated the facts, & it took me a minute to pull it together as well, so many points to address!
Neat depot reworked 98k. Was sporterized postwar and then someone did a decent job fixing the stock.
Here is the left side. Based on previous posts, the X is a batch designator for this specific serial and that each batch contains 10,000 rifles, and that may help to determine when in a calendar year this specific rifle was produced- am I correct?
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Hey Mike. I was just poking fun. No offense intended.
Hopefully you'll stick around for a while!
You'll get the hang of it. Is that your first mauser?
Yeah. I have been trying to get one for a while now. I’ve been watching auction sites to get an idea of pricing and quality. I found this one on a website. The price seemed reasonable and the characteristics seemed appealing without having to go through the hassle of bidding.
Abit of a shame the stock markings aren't totally clear in the wrist, coulda got lucky and possibly seen what depot did the rebarrel.